Spring 2023 Co-op Box Update thread - closed

if I send money over paypal, the person receiving it has no way of pulling out more. If I get a weird charge on my CC I can contest it and it’ll make a lot of headaches for the person trying to screw me.

If I give out my raw banking info, and somebody wires money out of it, I have 0 recourse. There’s nothing I can do to stop it and once it’s done it’s gone


I have no problem with it except I don’t know where I can get an echeck?
And I understand peoples worries, I have lost years of my life to this plant so… Yeah


Amen! :+1: :relaxed:
I edited my responce earlier (It was actually meant for a PM) but I was not as nice about it as you are! :scream: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not true, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act protects consumers against unauthorized transfers from their accounts. Your only obligation is to promptly notify your financial institution.

I’m not trying to make a case for either side, just keeping it real …


This is a service similar to PayPal-- not just an individual!
If you use a debit card at a restaurant, store, food truck-- you risk them using your number-- I had some asshat kid working the counter at Dairy Queen use my number for $400 in Porn after buying a fucking $5 smoothie at the Mall! Took forever to fix it, and had to change out my bank accounts.
Other than CASH or Money Order-- NO payment method is fool-proof!

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Heck, when I bought seeds from Colorado Sativas I had to buy a tracking number and send cash in an envelope. Kinda sucked, but it worked flawlessly. I’d happily buy another tracking number and send cash directly to sebring. What’s another $10 when I’m hardly spending $20 to begin with?


Hey OG. I see a lot of energy being used on this thread. This is quite simple really. Those who are comfortable with the current option should go ahead and use it. Those who are not can wait and see if another option becomes available while keeping in mind that a different option may not be possible. As another option perhaps some of you can find another member you trust and that is ok with current option. Then send to them and they can use the current method for you. I understand some being uncomfortable with changes in the way this is happening but at present it is the way it is.

Discource between members will have no positive effect on this situation. Let’s all try to be patient and see how things unfold please :pray:


People still BUY porn?

Isn’t that what the internet is for?

also, $400’s apparently a LOT of porn, maybe ALL of it…


I understand the mail tracing aspect, but regarding cash transactions, who would Sebring get to complain to, or seek recompense from, if someone’s cash doesn’t arrive – or arrives opened – and he has to deal with people’s wild and paranoid accusations of thievery? I lost a few hundred $$ I sent to CSI recently so I trust payment systems more than sending raw untraceable cash.

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I assume that’s what the tracking # is for, both sides can see it get delivered. Only issue then is what happens when they’re a penny short :joy:

edit I think it’s hard to open after you buying the tracking #, the guy at the usps gave me a special envelope to put my envelope into


Yeah, I should have sent with tracking but I am too paranoid to use the online USPS package tracker since it would associate my IP address with that transaction :joy:


use tor :wink: body too short

Too bad we can’t all be Bob right? :slight_smile:
What about if you did not want anything to do with weed coming from your checking account? What if it’s a joint account…what about that persons feelings on the matter. There are many reasons why people don’t like the e-check choice. The least of which is that an e-check and a paper check are the same thing.
Your post is what’s condescending and negative, folks are obviously having issues with this new development. Try and be respectful of that instead of minimalizing it.


Am I missing something in thinking a prepaid credit card purchased at pretty much ANY retail store would solve everyone’s issues?

Just checked the diy site, no option for that on any purchase.

Anyway, his site, his rules, the box is an optional choice for us to participate or not.


Yes pre-paid cards do not have account or routing numbers. In order to use an e-check those are the identifying factors needed. And yes on the DIY site there is no option of using a card of any kind.


All paid up.

FYI - privacy policy link on site is giving a 404 error

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That must of been some kinky shit.


So I’m having an issue. I registered then went to pay and somehow got logged off in the process. Now the website will not recognize my password. I’ve tried multiple times to change my password but it just says that my password is incorrect. :man_shrugging:

Try cleaning your history and cache. Try again. or use a different browser

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The midget and the donkey were both asking for a substantial wage so the $400 didn’t go as far as you think!