Spring 2023 Co-op Box Update thread - closed

Yeah respectfully I’m going to have to bow out of this one. Thank you to all the volunteers for your hard work, sorry it didn’t work out for everyone. Congrats to the brave for sticking through it :disappointed_relieved: Hopefully there will still be plenty of beans floating around for trades later :crossed_fingers:

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They’re with the union as well.


Thanks, I’m also trying to do it from my phone so once I get back home I’ll try again.

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This is true,
but i have used and trust PayPal’s level of security for several years now. PP isn’t perfect by any means.
But Sebring’s site just now started to use echeck and so i will wait until i am comfortable that Sebring has addressed our data safety (deletion) concerns.


I had to re-register then paid with an e-check, easy peasy :slight_smile:


(@ColeLennon contemplates new business opportunity)


When I said kinky shit I was referring to Japanese porn were they literally use shit. To early?

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Wrestling in shit :thinking:

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But I just found out that PayPal has an echeck option :slight_smile: problem solved


He had the number for nearly a month then I got my statement and called the Bank— all I know is the Bank said it was an ‘overseas pornography site’ and came to $389.!!
When they said it was generated from a town near the Mall- and the ONLY place I’d used the card was my local store and that Dairy Queen at the Mall-- they found out who it was and prosecuted… the Bank gave m my money back, and I called Dairy Queen and told them to both fire the little perv AND get a system that doesn’t give their minimum wage teenage workers access to peoples card info!


Well there you go. That should solve much of this.


Funny (not) how this has gone from everyone excited about the generosity, time and effort put into this by the Folks giving out the seeds and the people organizing and distributing, to a grudge match between those who do and those who do not TRUST the system used.
It is one thing to disagree…
But several of you are being overtly rude, hostile, and turning to personal attacks when this is SUPPOSED to be the ‘‘OG Fam’’ and a POSITIVE experience…
Highly disappointed.


I agree wholeheartedly with both @Lady.Zandra63 and @DougDawson

We shouldn’t be rude, judgmental, or attacking to each other on here…

That’s not really necessary, as those who trust the system will get this spring box and those who don’t may have to try to see if another way is worked out or if trades for strains they signed up for may can be worked out.

Many people worked very hard on this process and it’s sad to see frustration and impatience override the gratitude and appreciation for all that goes into this.

I know I’m pretty new here still, but try to be kind y’all. It won’t hurt, I can guarantee it.

Happy Growing, Be well and thanks to everyone involved with the boxes from growing the strains for preservation, to distributing, and helping with shipping, and thanks a lot to Sebring for even having this current option available.



I’m surprised no one has mentioned Bitcoin yet. Isn’t this pretty much what crypto was designed for - avoiding financial censorship?


That would be really cool. Can you post a link to where you saw this? I can’t seem to find it on my own

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didn’t strainly just switch over to btc?

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From my post here I will probably sound like a dumbass, but that is a risk I take every time I open my mouth.

I have no problem trusting one OG to another. I send you my addy, you send me yours. We both trash any evidence after the fact.

I will stick $10–$50 dollars in a birthday card and stick it in the mail. If someone steals it at any point along the way I will chalk it off as the reality of the world we live in. No hard feelings, not even mad. I hope whoever stole it needed it enough to take it, and I hope taking it from me stopped it getting taken from someone else.

But that is not my banking information. My personal banking information. Where my account can be drained and I can’t pay my rent or pay for my mothers medications.

No joke, I don’t understand why this can’t be taken care of with trust from one member to another, and cash in a card for a kid’s birthday or bar mitzvah. Why are we even getting third party payment methods involved?


Hip hip hooray and many kudos to these fine folks. I lack the organizational nature to do such a thing and it’s really a remarkable endeavour.

If it bothers you you are free to take your ball and go home.


Presumably so no one has a bunch of cash in their house, with hundreds of people who had their addy.


I think I remember reading something like that in the Strainly thread, yep… and the main payment options for donations to the forum are already crypto-based. It’s not necessarily anonymous if you have to buy the crypto from someone who wants KYC/AML etc, but it’s also not gonna get seized by the Feds or anyone else. No worries about unauthorized payments like with e-checks either. It’s flat-out impossible to use a wallet without its private key, which wouldn’t be revealed to the recipient.

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