Spring 2023 Co-op Box Update thread - closed

I had suggested that as a workaround earlier in the thread. I think it is important to note that if someone goes that route, they make sure they can trust who they are dealing with and also to know that if such a thing went sideways, any discord regarding it would stay out of the OG public forum. I would think each person would still have to register on the DIY site and provide their shipping. Perhaps a note stating you had paid. That said, I am not involved with USA distribution so I would get approval from @G-paS and or @Sebring :v:


Okay, I did the deed, checked out, got my confirmation e-mail, just wondering if this is normal- I haven’t been charged yet out of my checking account, although it’s only been a couple hours.

Just wondering if I fudged something up. :sweat_smile:


It’s a check it has to post.


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks, Cole!


Looks perfectly normal to me. Once the check clears the order will get processed.


Sorry if this has been asked but I read this post and the “how do I sign up” post and was wondering, am I too late to sign up for the spring box? I really just wanted a shot at the Romulan & Temple Flo, but wasn’t sure if I could still sign up under the wiki’s as long as they didn’t have “closed” in the title?

essentially I would sign up (if available/open) and then donate the $6 for US shipping and then $2 per strain I signed up for successfully?


There is no spring and fall box to sign up for but rather just individual CO-OP runs. The following is how this works.
Someone does a CO-OP seed run.
They create a sign up list and users sign up. This is for TL2 and TL3 members.
When seeds are done they are shipped to the distributors for distribution. Canadian runs go to me, USA runs to go G-pas. I pack up all the Canadian seeds, take out our portion and send the rest to G-pas. She packs up all the USA runs, sends me the Canadians share. She then sends the seeds to the other distributors for their countries. There is a distributor for each country.
Twice a year around spring and fall a box is put together with seeds from each CO-OP run that was sent in.
Those who signed up provide addresses and pay a $2 to $2.50 per strain donation (this amount is due for each individual sign up), depending on location, as well as pay for the shipping cost to have items shipped to them.
Once paid the distributor packages all strains you have signed up for and ships them to you.

Temple Flo and Romulan signups are both closed and seeds in process of being sent out. Should be plenty around soon for you to trade with someone.


You’re too late, however I’ve asked @Jinglepot to send out most of my half of the Romulan x PTK for when the extra Romulan have run out :wink:


lol alright thanks for the try I suppose! I’ll just stick to buying my seeds for now but I appreciate you all.


I’m just gonna chill and see if @BRMTreefarmer s green dot echeck clears. If it does that an easy choice.

Keep us updated buddy :+1:


Since I only read the last few posts I might have missed this information. For those who paid with the e-Check is there an approximate date for mailing?


You don’t mail an echeck, I feel like I’m not understanding what your asking PS oh wait I think you’re talking about the box :slight_smile: my bad lol


That hasn’t been working in the past. Good to see you got it.



YEEEEEEHAWWWWW, there should be lots, once the co-op romulan is handed out, we will start getting the rest out to the masses!


Excellent! Then everyone will be covered. I think 20 will be sufficient for myself when I can have them sent, but the rest hand ‘em out to those who missed out on signing up in time. NOBODY misses out on Romulan at OG :partying_face::grin: And a big THANKS to all OG members who spent their time and cost to produce the seed runs and distributors who also will be spending their own time packing and mailing, you have my gratitude and sincere appreciation :kissing_heart::hugs:


Thanks again to everybody involved in this, I’m a little newer so I missed the boat but I’m staying posted for the next one. As someone who is just starting out on the grow side and wants to preserve some of the more unique stuff for when I get more honed in this is such a cool concept and opportunity and I know a lot of you prob work hard as hell getting these out to everybody… so cheers to you, and look out for my name on the next one :cowboy_hat_face: :smiling_imp:


How do I respond to that :thinking: I know, you’re welcome and you’re welcome. :rofl: Well for my part anyway :v:


Brother I’m just an old OG like that :facepunch::grin: I keep tradition alive :face_with_monocle:


Hey, I appreciate it more than you know :pray: As I am sure all the other growers and distributors do. :v:

Overgrow the Galaxy


Success! Thank you to all the growers, distributors, and everyone else that makes all this possible for all of us OGers.
Overgrow the World