Sprituality and Cannabis

“Every seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe. Nothing made by human hands can compare with this information either in size or accuracy. Through the help of these data the seed knows the exact time, down to the millisecond, when it is to come alive, grow — what juices it is to take from the Earth, how to make use of the rays of the celestial bodies — the Sun, Moon and stars, what it is to grow into, what fruit to bring forth.

“Before planting, put into your mouth one or more little seeds, hold them in your mouth, under the tongue, for at least nine minutes.

“Then place the seed between the palms of your hands and hold it there for about thirty seconds. During this time it is important that you be standing barefoot on the spot of earth where you will later be planting it.

“Open your hands, and carefully raise the seed which you are holding to your mouth. Then blow on it lightly, warming it with your breath, and the wee little seed will know everything that is within you.

“Then you need to hold it with your hands open another thirty seconds, presenting the seed to the celestial bodies. And the seed will determine the moment of its awakening. The planets will all help it! And will give the sprouts the light they need to produce fruit especially for you.

“After that you may plant the seed in the ground. In no case should you water it right off, so as not to wash away the saliva which is now covering it, along with other information about you that the seed will take in. It can be watered three days after planting.

“The planting must be done on days appropriate to each vegetable (people already know this, from the lunar calendar). In the absence of watering, a premature planting is not as harmful as an overdue planting.

“It is not a good idea to pull up all the weeds growing in the vicinity of the sprouts. At least one of each kind should be left in place. The weeds can be cut back…”

According to Anastasia, the seed is thus able to take in information about the person who plants it, and then during the cultivation of its fruit it will pick up from the Universe and the Earth the optimum blend of energies needed for a given Man.

I tried it with these seeds i just popped…what do you think? fact or fiction??



I just plant them, friend.

It’s not possible to influence a plant with spit.

Solid growing practices and hard work will do more than any woo-woo methods and wishful thinking.


This is a subjective, spiritual, intention setting practice. You are preparing to spend a few months (or more) with a living entity that will interact with your psyche. It is you, not the seed, that would be prepared.


Well it can’t hurt, right? Unless your spit is really acidic or something lol. Try planting a few with and without doing this and see if there’s any noticeable difference.


If growing has taught me anything…its patient

thanks for the reply


I hope it works for u. Saliva, handling seed more than u need to, seems like a vector of contamination or damage to the seed. I just put down 140 seeds this week, no way I could devote that amount of time to each one. Good luck!

I can’t really get on board with the spiritual aspects you mention. But saliva does contain amylase which may or may not be beneficial.


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