SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

You know, Christmas as an adult, and even more so as a parent has lost some of the magic and excitement. SSDD coming to my garden is a proper replacement for those feelings. Thanks again @HolyAngel your name is fitting. :v:t2::v:t2:


same for sure will have the xmas feeling once i see those beans in my mailbox was the first strains i looked into of bodhis selections(the name got me as a deadhead) but then i read about it and sounded like a amazing cultivar and saw how many people had benefited from its effects thought it would be a good fit for my father with his health issues,tried to see if i could find it in a bank saw that the parents where gone and it and sold out everywhere fitting enough found og with enough time to get t2 to be able to receive this co-op before it closed didnt ever think i would get the chance to run it cant thank you enough @HolyAngel you sure live up to the name <3


You are incredible!


Holy sheeeat! You’re a rockstar bud. Super cool of you to do all this for the community. A real inspiration, for real. Very much appreciated!!!

Also, WELCOME BACK @misterbee !! Good to see you again around here. :honeybee:






I found that out the hard way myself with this last batch I sent out.
I just ordered the self sticking one, thank you Doug.

@Purple-N-Hairy help me out with the washer trick too. Lots of good advice here.

:green_heart: :seedling:


haaa ha… I used to be a Seinfeld junkie. LMAO, she died from licking her own wedding or thank you cards… F’ing cheap George, haaaaa

Man, you always get me good when I’m already half asleep. I love laughing. I can’t stop if I look at it again… woooo, stoned as hell.


i think ya beans mite be jet fuel they just landed in :uk: this morning

thank you so much @HolyAngel gonna get some going rite now :smiley:

growth in growing :seedling: :herb: :evergreen_tree:

:man_farmer:lime :om:


Nice!! Glad to hear they’re landing safely! :+1:


Thanks for the kind words all! It’s been “fun” let me tell ya :joy: Lot of work in this… I think shucking seeds, packing them into packs, and distributing them, are all equally rough times. Not even speaking of growing the plants and making the beans themselves. I’m not sure I wanna mail out 150 packs again :sweat_smile: 100% Labor of Love…

Everyone should have been contacted by now so I’ll update the OP as I get addresses and ship them out. If you are on the list and somehow have not heard from me, please pm me.

For everyone else NOT on the signup list. I do have some extra’s but I want to make sure everyone signed up gets their pack first. If I do have more to give out, I will let you know.

I hope everyone is able to easily find the nerve pain killing pheno in these. I’ve gone through around 20 beans myself so far and the mom is showing up in 1/3-1/2 of the plants. The other main pheno I’m seeing has this rubbery stem rub. That pheno shows up prominently in the SSDD F1’s so it’s from one of the original parents but I’m not sure which. Been trying to get a hold of Bodhi but we know how that goes :yum:

Work is continuing on this line to further the nerve pain killing effect into every bean. BX2’s will be made for sure. BX3 if I can find the right selections. More SSDD F2’s will be made if I can find a good male in the F1’s. For sure will be making more SSDD F3’s though with my same F2 Mom as the BX1. If I can do both I should be able to make an SSDD IBL line ala f3 x bx3. From there I’ll be looking into muscle pain relief in other lines to blend with this one. Like Blue Magoo BX3. We’ll see, gonna be awhile but that’s the plan ^^


Thanks again for all the efforts bud! Cool to hear your further plans for more BX and F2s etc. It’s a lot of work! I’m planning something similar for Blue Tara down the line - I’m thinking that line may have similar nerve relief as SSDD but maybe a bit more of a functional daytime indica due to the snow lotus sativa influence. It does seem like the blueberry lines hold some healing properties to them!


Thanks again! Looking forward to running this.


Oh nice you’re working the Blue Tara! I have a pack of the IX and F2’s if you want them? Maybe we can combine them down the line or something. Should definitely have the nervepain relief in there, its from the Bubbashine mom bodhi used for both the Blue Tara and the SSDD. Though he made it seem like the appalachia possibly increased the effect :thinking: idk.

My SSDD F2 mom won’t make you sleepy at all unless you take her past 70 days. The Starlite I used for the outcross, that isn’t showing up at all in here, brings devastating power and a mix of nighttime/daytime highs. I’m still not expecting any of these BX1’s to really be sleep inducing. I do smoke her before bed, but that’s only because she’s relaxing and melts that pain. No couchlock or anxiety here. Just pain melting anytime herb that makes you feel good again.


I’ll let you know if I do! Hopefully the original pack I sourced all germinates, and I’ve got some of the F2s from the OG preservation run as well to work with if needed, so should be set provided the seeds behave ha. Still figuring out how I want to approach it… and when ha.

Ah good to know - I saw lots of comments on SSDD being more towards the sleepy lazy end so just assumed.


Yeah the 10% ‘Blueberry Muffin’ pheno of the SSDD’s is the sleep inducing pheno. The other 90% of the phenos are hybrids with most being around the middle, anytime type herb. Appy leaners are energizing.

My F2 is mostly the Sour Butter pheno but she’s got the blueberry muffin undertones. Best of both worlds imo :slight_smile: I can smoke this all day during work days without any issues whatsoever.


That sounds like one of three of the first time I grew them. It was blueberry muffins all the way. I smoked it at night and it was a nice evening smoke. I slept really great when I toked it before bed. This last time I grew them, none of them reminded me of the butter or muffins. Good smoke but no resemblance to the blueberry muffins.

@oleskool830 has the last of that bunch and I’m hoping he pulls another top pheno out of them.


@HolyAngel awesome work dude! Thanks!

The packs look amazing!!

@misterbee welcome back!


Care to elaborate what you will be looking for in the male? I wonder if I should pop two or three of the F2 I have for some pollen for my Durban, combining different types of pain relief.


In the SSDD F2’s I’d be looking for as close to the mom I have as possible.

5 bladed fan leaves
Spicy/citrus-lemon stem rub
Sour, buttery, blueberry muffin kush trichome rub

I was able to find 2 out of 3(not the fan leaves) in the Starlite Daydream I made and used to make this BX1. Just from hearing other’s reports of the F2’s from Sebring, I’m thinking it should be relatively easy to find a matching male. I still have 1 pack of F1’s to look through though before I get to the rest of my F2 beans. I popped a pack and a half looking specifically for a male at the very minimum and I got nothing but females :see_no_evil: Saved the best one’s from that but man, what are the odds of pulling 15 females from 15 seeds? So the hunt continues…