Starcube seed run

Let’s get cubed! In for the show and and hope to get a few seeds to try when things work out.


One more sprout poked up this morning. It looks very small and weak and almost looks doesn’t look like a cannabis seed. I think it is though. I planted in a sterile media… so it should be. I should be able to nurture it along. :crossed_fingers:t2: for a few more!


Nope not a cannabis plant I don’t think. It does look similar. Apparently fox farm light warrior has some contaminants in it.


Don’t sweat it! You’ll get it I’m sure!


Yeah either way I’ll try. I’m thinking it’s only going to be the two. So I’m going to need some luck :four_leaf_clover:


Well if it ends up you get two females, let me know and I’ll send you plenty of stuff to fem it if it comes down to it. I know it’s not ideal, but is what it is!




Here’s a pic of the two survivors. They’re looking pretty good. Im sure these will survive. That’s going to be it. The other ones fizzled out. But at least there’s two! Not ideal but I’m still thankful of the genetics being shared. I think when they’re big enough I’ll send in a sample to figure out the sex. It sounds like that can be wrong sometimes but either way I’m growing these out. Oh … if anyone has some of these beans and is willing to share them. Let me know. Thanks


Yeah man for sure! Have you tried to reverse a plant yet? I was going to try and reverse one of my Chimera #3 plants. I bought like an ounce of STS spray for like 20 bucks. It’s kind of a rip! I also got some Stardawg F3’s and F7’s and Stardawg IX which would all be good ones to cross it to. I plan to take clones that’s for sure. I won’t let it slip away.


I know it wasn’t your original intention, but I’d throw those Strayfox 93 Super Skunk seeds to you. Thats Tahoe Alien x Starfighter. Its only six beans mind you, but still.


I’d love to grow those out but let’s see what happens with these first. Heck I’d even love to just have them. But I don’t want to take your beans until I know I’ll grow them. Do you know if they’ve been stored in the refrigerator since harvested? Are they discontinued? I could do those in the future if these don’t work out. Do you know who are they from? They’d definitely be great to breed with whatever I end up with. I am planning on taking clones regardless and using those to breed with some other gassy strains.
Hopefully I can get a make and a female to continue this line. After that I’ll definitely be up for some out breeding.


I have not. I bought it because that’s what I do :roll_eyes: so I have plenty and obviously more than happy to share

@Bobgrows could maybe shed a little light on if it works! I’m keeping my fingers crossed on her endeavor :crossed_fingers:t2:


I know there’s different ways but I’ve never done it. The strait colidial silver has to be sprayed for like 4 weeks straight I heard. The new STS you only have to hit the plant twice usually by the sounds of it. I’d definitely need instructions haha

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I’ll send you exactly what you would need as well as the link to the most comprehensive (and based on everything I’ve read, must agreed upon) way to do it.

I don’t know how things work, but if it’s two females, could be the best option. I’ve never messed with clones, or reversals, but it might be the logical conclusion 🤷🏻


Yeah if they turn out good and I have a females I’ll definitely take some clones and reverse it. There’s never going to be a better reason to reverse a plant. I don’t think that would be acceptable for a CO-OP but it would be a good side project.


I haven’t been here long, but there are always exceptions to be made. If it drops out of coop staus, you know for a fact I’ve got you for distribution :muscle:t2:



Great project. Great thread complete with suspense and false positives. Much thanks :pray::pray:.

You plus the 2 cubes


I’d take either or. Lets just hope we get male and female. Thanks @Ottafish for job so far!


If I remember correctly this outcome has been discussed before in relation to co-ops and in cases of fem seed or only fems to sprout, if no others can be sourced it was decided that fems would be acceptable. The part I wonder about is plant counts. Typically coops are open pollination of preferably full packs. Might be different for these ones, since as far as anyone knows these are the last two plants in existence.

Just have to wait and see what comes of it. Could be 2 males. Hopefully not. Could be a male and a female and it doesn’t even matter anymore.

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These are still in the breeder pack received as a Strayfox freebie with GLG order of Cabana (Tres Dawg x Iraqi). They are currently in the chest freezer so obviously I’ll keep them there unless they are part of this particular seed making endeavor, or I pop them personally. All good either way, just thought it could make good use of that pack in a cross with similar genetics. Your run, your call, just tryna be OG. :grin:

Not sure how I replied to myself. That was meant for @Ottafish