Starting a NEW chapter

We r loooking for a breed called dexter cows but no luck so far alot of highlanders and Swiss one black Angus farmer

Very informative…we have talked about spit paddocks ! Eventually we will get a system down ! Thanks for that Info


Sounds like I should go talk to the farmer …I just gotta take the step and do it …such a hard step for me but once I take it I’m on the run


Well shit fellas it has been 15 days since the lady’s had a photo shoot …

So 4/4 of the purple kush regs turned out to be female! I have clones cut and stored in the fridge for latter use …

The last female just showed some hairs a few days ago …way later then the others …I might justcut most of her up for clones…

The one bubble milk is a female as well but is deff growing at a slower rate even after being up potted …might take clones but with 8 little branches not much to choose from …

The three fallen solders are 12 days into their mission and are doing alright …

I need to get my clones going eventually and grow out a mother all before April…is it possible idk …

And I want to start more seeds as well …middle of February we need to start the vegetables as well so that will be a space issue…
Picture bomb …
More descriptive/singular plant update to come

These keep eyeballing my from across the room :rofl:

Oh yeah and the bubble gum males out in the garage are still alive …maybe I will get some pollen :sneezing_face:


Looking great :eyes:. Added bonus, learning more farming
What’re you planning to pollinate with the bubblegum male?


Thanks brother yes that’s a fact more gardening skills I’m acquiring!’s basically all the same lol …idk tbh it was just a shot in the dark but just went out there and you can tell he’s loosing hope …no artificial light nor heat just a window been 18 days what do you expect :sweat_smile:


Very resilient plants. Little light and heat I bet you get pollen


Yeah more then likely
I shipped em out there with no hopes so it’s one of those
“If they do they do if they don’t they don’t” thing lol


Looks like you have better luck then me brother lol


So now this is how we go about things like that …
All clones in storage tossed …
All plants named purple kush tossed
Thought I got lucky with 4/4 females …looks like they didn’t know exactly what they wanted to be …

Looks like I have some room to test out my cloner and make up for lost time

From this image
To now this


What do you mean bud?

1 Like

The first pic I posted…is a nanner in the middle of a two week old bud !!l


O gzz. That’s bs


That’s a bummer


About six weeks wasted not to bad lol
Seeing them that early woulda been a never ending battle and deff not worth cloning !

Any buddy have any tip for success with a aerocloner!?? Going to be busting out the 24 day old icc#5 S1’s clones out of the refrigerator…via @Budderton method

I have nine figure I can take six or so and veg for a month then flip hopefully get a harvest in before humidity comes into play …

Only problem is I think they will have to go through a reveg stage since they were taken at two weeks of flower…

I bought root powder …know I know that’s almost useless …
Any good thread you folks can point me to ?


You should be able to treat them the same as any other clone. Let them get to room temperature and do your thing.
The cold should have kept them in stasis basically. I don’t believe you will need to reveg


I took a Quick peek before I made my decision to irradicate the purple kush …the pistols on said clones have turned orange very small clusters …!

This will be my first real attempt at cloning …
Good call about the room temp !


Positive vibes going your way!


Thanks brother I appreciate that !
To you as well on your endeavors


Hey @Rabeats2093 . After I take the snips out of the fridge, I re-cut the ends and let them soak in a cup of water for 6-13 hrs, under soft light, to rehydrate them and wake them up before I think about putting them in the cloner. Good luck with them.:crossed_fingers::v:


Hey thanks for that insight brother I will be taking that Into consideration!
Pardon the questions buttttt…
Do I use same light source I would for seedlings and 18/6 light schedule ?