Starting a NEW chapter

Yep. That’s what I use.:grin::v:


Here we go …
Should I clip the leaf tips ?
Clip the lower leafs completely away!?
How far should the stem stick out from the bottom of the plug :crazy_face:
Input would be appreciated !!

I suspect the Ill appearance has to do with the 24 days these clones spent In the fridge lol
Finger crossed


Even after 24 days in the frig, they look better than some stuff I’ve tried cloning off the plant


Aww common now lol…
Thanks bro
You think them full leafs will be alright?.
Sealed unit humidity can get 70 plus


You can always trim them if need be


I agree if on a few days there still droopy you can clip the tips . I’ve found using a small amount of bloom nutes in the cloner vs veg speeds up rooting.
You’ll want enough stem in the cloner but not have them sitting in water.


@ShiskaberrySavior Thanks bro it’s a aerocloner I think …sprays a bunch of mist lol …I checked this am and two out of 9 are already praying !..
Hmm maybe put some bloom big in there …
Just curious to how that works if the clones have no roots to get the feed :thinking:
I put some rooting POWDER on the clones but surely it was washed off


The stems will absorb the nutrients as they uptake water. The reason for less intense light and clipping the leaves back is less stress for the plant to supply enough water.


Night and day difference so far !
.most r standing attention. And looking at the light !
Just have to pick up their arms lol
About how much per gallon


My normal routine is plain water for about 7 days followed by half strength fertilizer. About a tablespoon in 5 gallons


These were the ladies as of this am

Compared to image


They’re going to be good! You will have some reveg since I see a few hairs


That’s what I was saying earlier …only difference from the day they went in fridge to the day they came out is that the pistols have darkened up!

Reveg I assume will take a little time…Hopefully we see some progress by valentines day …
Deff will be using the dehumidifier to get some smoke for summer activities :relieved:

Does the pump need to turn on and off in stages …a rest period for the clones ?


I have limited experience with these. I prefer vermiculite myself


I’d let it rip 24/7 unless the water gets heated up by the pump or something strange.

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Thanks for that …I figured as much but yah never know till yah ask ! …I wish I could sleep in there …the noise from the cloner is so peaceful !


Here we are once again
I have been pretty dang busy lately wich is a good thing ! Time to get back on track .
Okay it has been 12 days since the clones have put in the aero cloner …just realized I never took a picture of the roots …hah the little green puck on the bottom left was put in four or five days ago and already has roots …deff a difference in stored vs fresh clones and rooting times

As you can tell the green is pretty much gone…humidity was good in the beginning. But now is damn near in the 30s
Unfortunately I will have to go buy my first bag of soil …these clones need to get Into the dirt ASAP so I think

Random fixtures of the flower room …
I really wish I had a better fone with better camera quality.


There’s a couple more ladies I need to take pictures of all very unique …

Let’s end this with a bad note just cause :crazy_face:


Some clones deff could have been in the cloner longer but they had roots so into the soil they went.
These r the roots

Put them in solo cups filled with *Black gold * its a bag of .st sto store bought soil :nauseated_face: after that I watered them with a generous amount of water …

Turned the lightup a little bit brighter …
Should I treat them as if they are a seedling relative to light intensity

Just have to wait for them to start revegging


These are the ones you had in the frig correct?


Yes sir
24 days in the fridge to be exact …
Compared to a clippin I took fresh off a plant the fridge slows them down at a considerable rate 7 days in my case …
At first I think I had the light to close and they just kept growing . And devouring themselves.I backed off the light and added some big bloom in the water after a week of being in there …really once they start poking out the roots spread like wild fire… still a long way from success…
Been about a week with RH in the 30’s …still seemed to do alright