Winter/spring flowering outdoors

Hey, has anyone attempted to flower outdoors in winter/spring. Where I am the temps don’t really get lower than upper 40s at night…with daytime highs around mid 60s low 70s mostly 50s, 60s, I’m wondering if the slowly increasing daytime would hurt the plant or hermie them. They’ll start with about 10hrs of night if I start soon. And gradually work up to 12hrs. I never tried this so was wondering is it possible. If so I’ll be ttaking new clones off my mom’s and flower the mom’s…needing to reduce the number of moms…damnit…why can’t I keep em all…lol.


I have been doing this for a long time, although with container plants only.

I move them out/in every morning/evening. I put them out only when it is close to 60F
or higher …they go back inside if the temps drop or the weather turns nasty.

I control the light cycle, they get 12 hours dark when I decide to flower ( in dark climate controlled room).

This has worked well for me.

Good luck, have fun!


Iv tried this with mature clones and plants from seed indoors in a window before early in the season and they seemed to reveg on me but it was more And experimenting more than anything I’d think the cold temps would set them back prettty well though just a hunch .

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I’m more or less gonna leave them in containers maybe up pot them…but l don’t plan on bringing them in and out…even tho it’s only 4/5

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I put two seeds in soil to try this. I doubt there will be much result, but as we seem to have no real winter anymore over here thanks to climate change I thought I’d make the best of it. :sweat_smile:


I’m zone 8a/b

I threw some plants outside last year in Jan/Feb.I had troubles with the humidity and mold developing on the buds as they finished.

I also did one in March and had no problems except bugs. Moving them inside everyday sucks though.

Growth is slow with the cold overnight temps unless the plant is decent sized before taking on the cold.
I’m gonna use some undone compost and chicken shit in the hole to warm up the roots! Used 5 gallon buckets before.

I made a DWC with an aquarium heater. It had good growth but I had troubles keeping ph correct.

Its pretty humid in the south east also…but when isn’t it. Lol. I think I’ll take a good bit of cuttings and try it with a few.

So, I did a winter greenhouse experiment last year with autos. Mind you they were strictly outside with no supplemental light. My experiment determined that there wasn’t enough sunlight in the winter to give them much yield. I’m in southern Cali.


I also bought some clones ome year, put them out to early and half prematurely budded and the other half revegged

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