Still Life with Mexican Sativa

As we discussed before, most are definitely F2. Except perhaps the AG, the Panama and the Oaxacan might be P1 or P2. The Canabiogen Sinaloa/Destroyer would be F1 if the parents were IBL which I think they might be? Perhaps someone else would know better than I.
Prices are very reasonable. For a good cause it seems. I find F2 to generally mean a lot of variation but that is kind of fun.

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Great looking plants just a fyi I’d used general hydro for years and switched to plant prod dry fertilizer. Probably one of the smarter moves I’ve done in a while.

I was a die hard 13 jug person till I seen the price difference and plant performance using plant prod.

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Thanks for the tip. I find I use very little in the way of nutrients with landrace compared to the complex modern polyhybrids I was chasing. Quite a difference so far. I will look up plant prod dry fertilizer.

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I’m by no means affiliated with that company but they seem to have there shit together. Check out there mj line tailors strictly to weed . Great stability no falling flat like general hydro does if you have left over.


What a difference a few days makes.
So much for my vision. Turns out we have one male and 7 females. One of course is our dwarf f4 djshort blueberry in bottom left included for comparison.
It seems there are three phenotypes at least.
In the back we have two lanky stretching girls. I thought they were males…nope.
We have a very narrow leaved female (looks downright tropical) and three somewhat wider leaf girls.
Our male (very pleased with him self) is somewhat more wide leaf but no where near the width of our blueberry.
I still feel pretty good about the sativa nature of our efforts. I really like the skinny leafed female. I haven’t grown anything with leaves that thin since I was a kid in the 70’s and grew weed behind the barn.


stretchhhhhh…well for some anyway. Time to harvest pollen. In this pic, the male has dumped his pollen and I have chopped him. Bottom left is our comparison djshort blueberry which is reported as 70/30 indica dominant. The rest of the plants vary in height but the leaf morphology is pretty narrow in most now. Plan is to collect seeds from this open pollination. I am not sure my current system will support a run for large numbers of seeds for a coop. I may have to make adjustments.
Currently using 315w CMH. 11/13. So far so good. I think I will up the nutrition slightly.
Just about 3 weeks flower in this picture.


For saving pollen:
I usually dessicate some flour and rice, 220 F for 20 minutes




Add some rice and flour and mix, place in wax paper packets.

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I ordered these packets on line, I put a dessicant packet and rice in along with my pollen packets. place in a sealed baggy with more dessicated rice, place in freezer.
Lasts at least 7 months, will try some that has been stored 14 months like this. I am optimistic. Sorry about so many pictures and replies.


Welcome back.
First photo has our very gravid female F4 DJShort blueberry dwarf next to a lovely narrow leaf mexican sativa hybrid. I am digging these narrow leaves. I am slowly feeding a bit. But they seem happy. Thanks for coming along. 4 weeks in flower.


A shot of a dried zacatecas leaning (I think) bud. I will have enough seeds to trade/share I hope. Not a huge amount. Sorry no finally flowering pictures, life gets complicated ya know.

On a separate note: my pollen storage technique has kept my northern lights pollen potent for at least 14 months. So thats good news.


pleased to report I have in excess of 2000 seeds. I will investigate the process for adding to coop if that seems like enough. Can someone direct me towards the appropriate place to ‘coop’?


Nice! :+1: well done. I have been looking hard at Colorado Sativas. The price is very reasonable.


Well so far so good. They seem true to type. Being F2 there will be some variation to be expected in terms of phenotype. Cheapest way for me to obtain snowhigh genetics. I don’t think they use proper nomenclature for whatever reason. Their S1 are predominately F2 by standard label. Some of their stuff might be F1 and some are P1 as I would use the term. There is some question about their pollination technique. They offer their “accidents” as “bastards”. So maybe they know when things go wrong. I dunno. These were cheap and I am pretty sure they are mexican sativa. So we have that going for us.


They usually want it cleared and voted on prior to the seed run beginning. There are folks around here who accept seeds too distribute to the community on the growers behalf though!

You can try to ask them in the Seed Run Co-op Voting thread, but don’t get your hopes up, since the run is complete already. Additionally the Co-op approves discontinued lines, so there might also be concern since CS still sells it (I get the irony there, since CS is reproducing other breeders genetics🤪).

Here you go, you can try your luck!
Just make sure you read the post where they say how to submit it, if you decide to try.


Very reasonable. I don’t really care one way or the other. I agree CS is selling F2, I only have an F3 preservation. I just have some seeds. If nothing else, I will donate them to a local river bank. :slight_smile:

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Oh, and of course, thank you for the link!

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I mean, I’d make a trade for some!

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@DainIronFoot If you open a wiki and ask for help with distribution, i bet you’ll get a very generous response. :wink:


Even if they don’t get qualified for the co-op, the country rep (G-paS for US, DougDawson for Canada) will usually take them for distribution in the next box (…but check with them first… :wink:)


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