Strainly Emails

Anyone else getting their email inboxes slammed with listings from people your following? I get 30-40 a day for the past week and generally I will get x3 for each listing. Normally I would get 4-6 a week any other time. Maybe sales are down on Strainly.


Usually I get like 1 email a week

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Time to start UNFOLLOWing their butts, check on 'em manually. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :100:

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Nope, but I don’t think I follow anyone on strainly. Have you sent a message to the site admin?

No, but I need to unfollow as @misterbee suggested. :v:

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Yea, I had to go and select no notification

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seen alot of good scams lately,but its the holidays!