STS spray timing

As we’re now in July, that gives those of us in northern climes about a month before we start going into flower with our outdoor grows.
My plans have been radically changed by some surgery/health issues, but I’m still planng on doing some STS reversal projects.
My current thinking is that around Aug 1st I’ll start spraying selected branches on some of my plants. I usually see buds appearing in the second week.
Do you guys think that’s soon enough?..or should I plan on 4th wk of July?


As long as you can get at least one treatment in before flowering, I think you’ll be fine. :slightly_smiling_face:


this will be interesting to see.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I had a conversation about STS with a guy on Instagram that was interesting. Have you used it before? I wonder if adding an adjuvant like tween20 or crop oil would help with plant uptake, especially in spraying situations. The adjuvant would allow the STS a longer time on the plant tissue which would aid with it being more effective (possibly, I havent tried but it works with most other foliar sprays).

Excited to see how this goes! Hope you get back on your feet and feeling better soon!


Best of luck on the STS experiment, but wanted to wish you a complete and successful Recovery. You know all the Post Surgery Precautions, so I won’t harp on that/those. Continue to SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Generally a surfactant is recommended.

I’ve seen yucca extract mentioned, and even dawn dish soap. I’m sure there are tons out there.


Dawn is pretty similar to tween20, wild.

Where did you see that at? I’ve been looking at different folks take on STS and haven’t seen a surfactant mentioned before. We used to do whole plant dips for CRISPR lines and the success skyrocketed with tween. Dipping is much better coverage than a spray so I’ve always been confused why no one mentions anything.

Glad to hear folks are using it and recommending it, id think for a spray it could be dramatically different results using one and not using one.

This is a post I’ve followed in the past when using STS, it mentions yucca as a surfactant.

I don’t recall where exactly I’ve seen dawn mentioned for this application. I did find an interesting post on Reddit (top comment) that distinguishes between ionic and non-ionic surfactant, depending on the application.

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Upon closer inspection, the STS guide I linked does mention using dish soap.

Someone in the comments suggests non antibacterial soap.

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I’ve been spraying and using light dep already. Figure it’ll be easier to pollinate earlier as last year I had struggles getting beans to finish beyond TG. Keep in mind you won’t be getting any significant pollen for at least 5 weeks from flip in most cases

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I have used it successfully once before. I reversed to White Widow Autos. They were fairly small plants, kept them in 1gal containers out on the deck. They were roughly 2ft tall. I sprayed when I first noticed they were going into flower. I was watching them closely, and started that the earliest signs of bud development.
I used no surficant, just mixed solutions from powder that I was gifted by a fellow OGer.
I believe I sprayed them 3-4 times. With plants that small it was fairly easy. Those two plants produced several hundred seeds, some I still have, some got sent out to folks here. Think I sent some to Doug at one point to be parceled out.

I have 3 strains that I’d like to pollinate.
NIX - from King Geneticcs
Wedding Cake
Captain Junky

I have a good looking females from each of those strains. I don’t think I’m going to do any crosses at this point, although Wedding Junky could be interesting. I think the biggest challenge is actually preventing crosses.
Not sure I have time to take clones, root them, then reverse them.
Maybe the easiest thing to do is to just move 3 plants indoors, put them under 12/12, and start spraying now.

Decisions, decisions.
All good problems to have :slight_smile:

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and maybe non scented too

I have not used sts. I only use homemade colloidal silver. However, I would suggest that you take several cuttings and root them. Then you can spray the clones and use them to pollinate your main female plant. It gives you more control over when you choose to flower and you know exactly when to spray.

Dipping sounds like a solid method to try for my suge pure kush s1s thank you for the idea :sunglasses:

You can Also Try…


I try and spray before flowering. Every 5 days until pollen sacs are about to release pollen.


Dang i think i gonna try this next time…
still got some reusable microlitre syringes made out of glass from the GDR, with very fine needles. hope i get the hang of it! i like the idea of directed application…


Today I’m going to take the first step forward with the new “plan”…lol

I’m going to move 3 plants that are out on my deck up to a small unused bathroom upstairs that I use as a grow room in the late winter to get things started. It’s warm up there, but it’s completely isolated light-wise, and it has an exhaust fan that’s externally vented. Should be able to get lights set up today or tomorrow, and we’ll go from there.
Wedding Cake
Captain Junky

Just have to make sure it doesn’t get TOO warm. We’ve been in the high 80s here for the past week or so. I lost some plants in there 2yrs ago when we took a trip, and someone else was “caring” for them.
“I don’t know what happened!..they weren’t like that when I checked them yesterday!!!”

Lesson learned :slight_smile:

So it turns out the weather for the next week is supposed to be wicked hot an humid, so I’m thinking the gurlz are going to continue their stay on the deck for another week, and then get moved indoors, since we KNOW how much they love heat and humidity.