An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

Hey everyone.
I have been messing about with different methods if reversing fems for seed production and like many people on OG have typically used colloidal silver or STS. BOTH of which require more effort and concentration that my puny attention span enjoys SO after reading a paper recently on a method used in reversing hops I thought I woudl give it a go… Success!!! I have only tested in on the one fem so far, but it responded in a MUCH shorter time with a lot more balls that is usual with spray.

First a little background on HOW silver works for those who may not know, and also some theoretical ideas on how to make it work even better. If I get anything wrong here, I don’t pretend to know everything so please feel free to correct.
Silver Nitrate acts as an antagonist for the plant’s ethylene receptors, so prevents ethylene uptake and ‘triggers’ the production of pollen containing only XX chromosomes i.e. females. Silver nitrate in it’s pure form is poorly transported by the plant, and on it’s own a dose that is in the effective range for leaf application results in photo toxicity…i…e leaf burn, hence CS or STS.

So the easier method is this:

Get 100mg of Silver Nitrate, dissolve it in 10ml of distilled water, this amount is nominal, so long as the ratio is the same the dosage will be the same i.e. you could mix 100ml with 1 gram IF you had million plants to reverse, however silver nitrate will degrade over time in solution and as the effective dose is only 100 - 200 micro grams even 10ml is a lot.
So mix the 100mg to 10ml, then all that is needed is a 1ml insulin syringe, the syringe will have the 1ml made up of 100 units printed on the side of the syringe, from the silver nitrate mix, draw up 20 units and inject it directly into the stem you want to reverse, or if you whack it in the main stem it appears that every branch north of the injection site will turn. That’s it. Do it once and before long you should have balls everywhere. How easy is that? It took my fem plant less than two weeks to turn almost completely.

So the other part of this for those who like to mess around, is to get hold of some Cobalt Chloride, which works slightly differently… it instead interrupts the biosynthesis pathway for ethylene production with a dosage around the 300 - 500 micro-gram range. I have not tried the cobalt, but when I do I will take the same approach and inject them separate rather than as a mix.

This works most easily on fleshy stems, it near impossible to inject into woody stems, at least with a insulin syringe.
Now if someone else can try this to confirm it works, that would make everyone’s life who is making fems MUCH easier.


Wow! Pretty simple…

Have an Old NL clone I want to reverse - will have to try this and report back.


Thank you very much for sharing this info. I will be trying this in the future.


Awesome, glad to be able to make peoples lives hopefully a little easier.


Interesting, I’ll have to give it a try.


Wut. That is way better. I don’t like spraying that stuff anyway. And I like the certainty of this process… Not spraying week after week and wondering when to stop.

A+ will try it for sure.

Question - what about hollow stems. Have you been able to successfully inject them as well?


The plant I tested on is like this… in fact I am thinking maybe hollow stems will work the best as you can simply inject into the empty space and the plant has little choice but to take it up… it definitely makes injecting very easy… more solid/woody stems might need a heavier gauge needle that the ones I used so they don’t simply bend or break. As I say I need to test this method some more before I know any limitations… But like you, I have always disliked spraying heavy metals about the place.
I was going to do another run before posting here, but I was so stoked about it I couldn’t help myself lol.


Outstanding!! I’ve done the cl spray before…had to spray twice a day for, like a month or something crazy.
One nice injection would be great!!!


I’m not sure why,the syringe will lock up on certain parts of plant.


Thank You for this!
May I ask if you inject before flipping or when you go 12/12?
I will be trying your method when space opens up.


If you are asking why the silver is not spread all over the plant, I don’t know the answer to that either… The paper I read had no information about it other than the method and dosage, all I know is that on my plant, all branches north of the injections site turned and the ones bellow it haven’t.

I waited till the plant started showing fem bits… this was the method used in the paper is the only reason… I guess this might be because it gets a higher dose directly so is able to suppress the ethylene more completely, whereas it’s a bit of a slow gradual process with spraying and if you skip some days it can fail… Maybe it’s a simple as it being systemic vs topical application, but like @GrapeApe I am not sure why the entire plant doesn’t turn if it is systemic.
I will have to try and relocate the paper I sourced it from…

Edit @GrapeApe

Turns out the answer is pretty straight forward but will depend on where the silver is injected; within the plant stem the xylem and phloem tissue has differing transport functions… with xylem tissue only transporting one way… up to the leaves and tips vs the phloem transporting both ways to no photosynthetic parts of the plants like roots etc. So injection into the xylem tissue (centre pith) will only travel north, injection into phloem tissue (bark) in theory should spread to the entire plant… In the process of finding this out I stumbled on another paper where they inject 300g sucrose solution with a constant pressure syringe over the entire growth cycle… sucrose and starch being the metabolites of photosynthesis, it has a similar effect to elevated levels of CO2 but without causing leaf stomata to close… now all I have to to is figure out how to put one of my plants of catheter drip of sugar :joy:


TY once again…I did use CS last yr. with decent success…but a small amount of pollen for a ton of work…Haven’t made any fems since then, but I am ready.


We tried injecting Super Thrive. Although injecting silver seems out of the box… It’s not… STS is most effective because of its ability to penetrate plant cell walls quickly.

CS is slower because it lacks penateation abilitys. It’s a safe product because its has a lot less risk.So bypassing the plants protective wall with injection of a silver product would be nice.

As for the needle locking up post I made its a pain in the ass to shoot up a plant lol


i’ll bite, next round i’ll give it a go.


Yeah, woody trunks are going to need a bigger needle :slight_smile:

Cool… Don’t bet the farm on it yet though would be my advice, one swallow doesn’t necessarily make a summer lol


well of course, obviously im skeptical but also doesn’t hurt to keep an open mind and try.

I do CS spraying normally, but if potential targeted reversal in a one shot application is possible, then well yeah… worth a look

Happen to have a link to that paper


Excellent, as they say, keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out.

I can’t find the one for hop research that I used for reference… but I did find this one that uses identical techniques on castor bean plants… I’ll keep looking.

1980 so this is not exactly a new idea lol…


I’ve heard tale of banana peels and seeds in a baggy will increase the ratio of females? Something about the gas from the peels. Anybody heard or tried this before?


Man that place has gone to the Children LOL
What up bro


Really fantastic idea, thank you for taking the time to experiment. I’m going to see if this method will convince my Original Diesel to reverse ASAP!