Some people just have big ass balls.
The nerve of some peoples kids !!
See it was just getting good! Three great forces rule the world: stupidity , fear and greed.
Checked the address at it is a restaurant called Busy Bee.
If you use the address above, and click on street view, you’ll see Carter Creek. Looks like the two buildings next to it were torn down and only the foundations remain. Go next door and you see Carter Creek.
He’s on IG supposedly giving away thousands and thousands worth of genetics in one giveaway.
(a couple big names called him out.)
Stay safe out there guys.
Let me guess, all you have to do is pay shipping with tracking and anything else that can make it more expensive, and you never hear from him again. The .CO is the sham site.
There is a Carter Creek Seeds at the location given in Broken Bow, OK, (Google Maps, choose street view). The other guy is in Michigan I think.
Wait, so this whole topic is a scam? @moderators Can you please rename the topic so folks don’t get confused with legit coop box Chernobyl preservation run?
is that better? mods can change again if needed
@Heliosphear needs to make a trailer about this in a Guy Richie style it’s so dramatic!
to anyone even thinking about taking avantage of OGer and OG!!!
Thank you.
I got scammed this week on instagram. Carter Creek Genetics. Stay away.
Guy was offering up a bunch of stuff. But a pack of bohdi SSDD, with two packs of Healing Hashplant thrown in for $50 caught my eye.
Especially since last year I planted a full pack of Healing Hashplant, and fungus gnat larvae destroyed them all!
I know SSDD is legend. But it was the HH I really wanted!
Anyway, I chatted with the dude. Seemed legit. So I sent him bitcoin.
About 2 days later his account is vacated. All photos and posts gone. Total radio silence.
He must’ve scammed a ton of people in one week, and then took the money and ran.
I guess that’s what I get for dealing with IG (I fucking hated that site before, now I really hate it)
Anyway. Just a cautionary tale for everyone.
Maybe someone should start making PSAs… this guy seems to be pretty prolific.
Oh man! Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t realize CCG had an account here on OG as well. Just sent him a DM
Either way, seems shady as fuck, that multiple folks on here have been scammed by the same account
He doesn’t, as far as I can tell. The one that popped up on OG is apparently the scammer, and has already been silenced by the mods for being unwilling or unable to provide proof that he’s who he says he is.
Damn dude. Sorry to hear that. We figured out it was a scam a few days ago, I can’t remember what thread. But yeah someone else posted the for sale ad on insta and I recognize the picture. He stole @OG_Caveman picture from here and used it on insta. He also stole a picture of some BOG packs he was “selling”.
Beware my friends.
What a shitbag! That was Shoe’s photo from the Discord auction I won a couple weeks back, those packs will actually be here tomorrow. Sorry that happened to you man
Yea man IG is real sketch. Sorry that happened, least it was only 50bux right.
Sorry to hear that.
It’s probably the same guy that was on here a short while ago trying to scam everyone posing as someone they were not. Similar to the BOGjr scammer. Reposting the following thread for visibility: