PSA Beware of Matt Riot and Riot Seeds

@jessethestoner Asked for some background on long time scammer Matt Riot in the AKBB thread after I questioned a post he made regarding Matt. @Vagabond_Windy requested I not post any info on Matt Riot in the AKBB thread and let me know I had to make another thread to outline the reasons no one should trust or believe anything Matt Riot says. So, here we are. Below I’ll post some links outlining just a handful of Matt’s lies and scams he’s run throughout the years as well as a thread Matt started himself asking about how to germinate a seed in 2009 :rofl:

Matt Riot claims he started breeding in 2006 on all of his packs of seeds. Here’s a thread he started in 2009 asking how to germinate a seed: How do I start a seedling - want to use a bubbler DWC | Rollitup

Quote from Heath Robinson outlining Matt Riot’s fraudulent scheme to obtain his genetics:

Heath Robinson shows Matt Riot stole his pictures and renamed the plants pictured as his own genetics:

OGraskal confirms that Matt Riot made up a medical patients sob story in order to defraud him of his cuts:

Here’s a link of a PM Matt Riot sent out begging for positive reviews on his gear. Anyone who wrote a positive review got a free pack of seeds: Riot Seeds a scam!!?? | Rollitup

Long time rollitup user Bad Karma tells his tale of having Matt Riot turn on him for being a good samaritan:

Reeferman of reeferman seeds outlining how Matt welched on a trade they agreed on and never sent his side of the deal:

Matt Riot claiming NDNguy did not make the 88 G13Hp: Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1) - #4273 by Vagabond_Windy

NDNguy posting on overgrow with the backstory on the G13HP directly contradicting Riot’s lie: Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1) - #82 by n8tiveguy

If anyone would like to add there own horror stories or links to Matt’s frauds feel free!


You think his name is really Riot, or is it like a Joey Ramone sort of name?


Actually, I know for a fact it isn’t haha as it’s discussed in the link above regarding long time user bad karma. (He found Matt’s real facebook / last name and alerted Matt to avoid further doxxing and then Matt turned on him and got him banned for “trying to out his identity”)


Didn’t Matt get lots of seeds to in that medical patient sob story?


Yeah, seeds and cuts. Truly despicable.


Thanks for taking the time and doing this. I appreciate you


Just my 2 cents here nothing more.
I do not wish to start an argument here or to be rude or dismissive.
But this stuff goes on all the time in the industry.

Now I am all for putting folks in the stockade and throwing rotten vegetables at em. :smiling_imp:

But why single this guy out of a crowd of snakes?
Not saying it is not a good start, I truly hate deceit, as it can ruin all trust.

Are we willing to call out all the snakes in the same way?
If so then I am behind the effort.

If this is a one and done just to smear this guy, I think I am out.
I feel it is important to stand up for right, and to shut down wrong but it should be a fair and broad swipe of the sword.

But you can be sure I am all for rooting out the snakes.


I’m with you man. I try to call em when I see em. I have nothing personal against Matt specifically but, I really dislike how he’s weaseled his way in with a crowd of folks I really respect (notso, nspecta etc) and this new found association seems to have given his legitimacy a new, totally unfounded, lease on life. That pisses me off. That said, there are plenty of honest breeders in the game so I see no harm in shining light on the snakes. Now with that said, I don’t want this thread to become a broad brush stroke hate on all breeders thread. I started this specifically to give concrete info on scummy things Matt Riot has done. If others want to share info on other scam artists in the biz I’d encourage them to start their own thread.


Nor do I!

There are some other stories out there too.
Some of our cannabis heroes may not be exactly who we thought they were/are.

Very well…
Carry on then…LOL

Where do ya keep the rotten tomatoes. :smirk:


I wouldn’t buy Riot’s seeds, but I do appreciate his knowledge and other legendary breeders communicate with him, so even if he is a scammer, he contributes is some ways.


I didn’t like riot for a long time and still don’t

But it has nothing to do with any of this stuff

I just asked Notsodog about some of this, and a decent amount of this seems to have been disproven
In fact I sent him this thread and we talked about most of this stuff

I’m not defending him but apparently some of this info isn’t true


I’ve asked nspecta and notso to comment on why they would interact with Matt a bunch of times and never gotten any responses. I’d love to hear from them about it though as that’d really make me feel better about Matt. As it stands when no one will say anything good about him and all the info that’s out there is horrible… hard to think he’s a good guy. If this thread ends up bringing new facts to light and exonerating him then it did some good.


Well I just had a 20 minute conversation with notso about this thread and a good deal of this notso said has been proven false.

I still don’t like riot don’t get me wrong, but even a douche doesn’t deserve to be falsely accused of things. I agree he’s abrasive and tends to piss people off who then go out of their way to do shit like this

Take masonic for example, he’s gone to great lengths to create all sorts of shit about Matt
Even DOXXED him etc


Yeah, I saw you said that above. I’d love to see where it was proven false just for my own knowledge! As it stands there’s lots of hard info on why he’s terrible but if there are links etc that disprove it that’d be awesome.


Yeah I don’t care enough about riot to go on a campaign against those that discredit him lol

this is your beef not mine lol


For sure. I try to exist at the top of the pyramid when it comes to this stuff. “He said she said” and simple contradiction without any other info doesn’t do anything for me. Like I’ve said a bunch of times I’d really like to be presented with facts that prove that Matt didn’t do all the things folks have said he’s done but until those facts are presented I think it only makes sense to go with what has been proven.

That said, I appreciate you weighing in @Shamus !


Welcome back to og @resinates_well !


I know nothing of this dude but as somebody with really sick parents who relied on the kindness of strangers to begin growing, it really bothers me reading that he’s out there scamming sick patients and making up fake sob stories. People like that ruin it for those really in need


I would be interested in knowing what isn’t true and has been disproven.

I listen to his podcasts and I enjoy them, but I don’t trust the guy at all. When I remember he spoke about all the hate and assertions aimed his way he didn’t have much to say except childish things. “Aww, fuck those guys. I’m gonna smack him when I see him!” Stuff like that.

Bullshit. Where there is smoke there is fire. When a dozen known figures in the community have sided against you they aren’t all making up stories because they are “haters”. It’s a childish thing to even assert in your own defense. There are two sides to every coin, but if your side is that people are just “haters” then you are full of shit.

I have been around longer than him. Where is my crowd of haters? People saying I am a liar and a thief? Where are they? They don’t exist because I don’t fuck people over. If I fall through on a promise I apologize and try to make it right.

Nobody amasses an army of enemies for being such a super cool and trustworthy dude that people can’t even handle it. I don’t believe that shit for a minute.


i’m not getting involved, but 10 years ago he was getting a lot of hate for unstable genetics and whatnot. stealing genetics? i don’t know about that, can’t remember for certain.