Sulfer dip or spray?

OK I have a question for the users of sulfer as a part of the IPM.
Im grabbing a one pound container of Bonide Sulfer and going to mix it about 2 Tbsp in a gallon of water seems about the average dilution rate per their website.
My question is for a young potted plant or snips can I simply dunk the plant instead of spraying it ? Seems like a no brainer to dunk to me vs having to make sure the spray gets everywhere.
Im using sulfer as a part of a 1-2 treatment using a chemical that shall not be named as a preventative for Russet mites which may be present on the small rooted plants and some cuts from a different strain. I have not seen any evidence of live ones but both rooted cut and snips are coming with a warning of potential bugs. The clone showed some signs of something but since the first two dips of things I wont mention the possible eggs and no movement on the plants, anything that came on this particular clone looks kaput. The clone itself is perking up and looks better. These plants wont be used to flower for another couple clone cycles.
I have a decent microscope I got offf Amazon made by Andonstar that I used and I use it to monitor for presence of hypnosis miles in my soils and bags and moms for eating fungus gnats larvae so I can look at leaves under pretty good magnification.
Anyway Im looking for some input from sulfer users.
For me personally and Im a very small personal grower, once I am sure my few moms are clean I never needed to worry about IPM other than the hyopsis miles for gnats.


A dunk is more effective at covering the whole plant better.
But it can be tough to do for large plants.
A sulfur burner is another option if you have a large room with large plants.


I fought the hard fight against hemp russet mites a few years ago and lost. You seem to already know that they are not visible to the naked eye so yes magnification is needed and not just a loupe. I have a bag of the Bonide sulfur for the liquid spray and also have a bag of sulfur used in a burner to fumigate the whole tent. Every time I thought I had the battle won I would see signs and upon inspection find a mite here and a mite there. I finally burned all my plants and tents and started anew. I wouldn’t wish the HRM on my worst enemy. Good luck if you do have them.


how many treatments of sulfur does it take to kill the 2 spotted mite going to need a few back up plans incase they stick around when i get new clones lol

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I think I saw your battle when searching for info. Hope your new grow is all good. This is a couple surprise things I have in the works since I only a month ago restarted my grow and they are top shelf strains and I am willing to put in the effort to clean them like they cleaned all the folks going down each level in the old movie the Andromeda Strain.


I think you got it. Micro mites are a plague when they infest everything before you notice.

If you’re starting off with small plants / snips that you know are hot you have a better chance at winning.

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My go to is an iso and water mix.
Start with 25% of a 90% iso to 75% water.
I have used 50-50 mix before with no issues but without knowing your situation I don’t want anything bad to happen.
If you already sprayed sulfur it would be good to wait 10 days to 2 weeks before spraying iso just in case.
Or try it on one test plant to see if it is affected.

Spray them bitches twice a day for the first few days or until you don’t see them any longer, then every day for 2 weeks.
Spray anytime you see them.
You can use this with lights on without issue.
This method kills eggs too.
This is a contact killer and will not kill once it dries.
So keep that in mind.
Don’t spray in flower it will dissolve the tricomes.

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