Super Bowl giveaway (US only)

Guess you’re right lol

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I went thru the airport once dropped like 450. fuck vegas

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Cruises are the worst @ColeLennon


no doubt cruises will suck you dry,and not in a good way

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I hate cruises. I went on a 7 day and almost lost my mind from boredom. I don’t drink or gamble. Nothing to do but EAT. :upside_down_face:

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they just herd you into the buffets like cattle

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Midnight Buffet that shit should be schedule 1. I gained 20lbs in 7 days. “criminal”

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Floating buffets, that’s all they are.


I hated it at sea. booooorrrrrrrring…Might not be so bad now with decent wifi

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Can you imagine working on a cruise ship… I bet that would be ablast

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What like magic mike shit? bow chica wow wow

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And all that unlimited steak, shrimp & lobster. You can bet it’s all coming frozen from India (farmed shrimp), Brazil (low-end steak) & China/Vietnam (lobster) :face_vomiting:

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I see there is a new magic Mike movie out… I doubt working on a boat would be like that thou😀

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I wonder where all the sewage goes from the boats?


It might be for me. don’t hate the playa hate the game.

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You know where it goes. music Under the seaaaa


It all funnels down to big storage tank. That would probably be my job. shit lol

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Yea but that is avery important job… :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

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Thank you for acknowledging that. :alien: lol

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Who won the beans!