Super Bowl who ya got?

San Fransisco 49’s…Team of the Decade back in the day.


I don’t care for Green Bay or Tampa Bay. I don’t care for the two quarterbacks. Anybody but those two


ANYONE but Tom. :open_mouth:

Beli-cheat is gone for good :slight_smile:

Now it is time for shady-brady to take a long walk off a short pier. :wave:

Unfortunately, he will prob win again :frowning:


ive always been a life long pats fan even thru the lean years i moved to tampabay area in2000 and everyone hated brady in tampa up un til he came there then all of a sudden the people of tampa couldnt get enuf of him and gizzel lol how hypocritical nuf said but personall i havent watched a game nor do i care about football since taking a knee

peace and stay safe


Ravens fan since I grew up in MD, but de facto pats fan after moving to New England. Them being a powerhouse made it easy to root for em, we’ll see what they do without their pony boy. Folks live in florida and they’re all charged up to have Brady with their bucks. I joke with my old man all the time that Brady’s only went to florida to retire and that they got our leftovers. :laughing:

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After yesterday I could say I hate the Niners, but that would be a lie. I hated them way before that. Lol


Packers or Buc’s

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I was from Chicago and was never a Bears fan…Everyone always gave me shit about my 49’s Starter jackets everytime I wore it…on Facebook theres quite a few 49’s fans in Chicago and they have parties at one particular bar downtown.


Sometimes it good to retire. I feel like he has done enough. Some of the other great qb’s to me got forced into retirement. He really could get hurt. Aron and Big Ben needs to let it go.

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I like the 49’s. Some great players.


I got upset when they put Steve Young in front of Montana. He did retire. Steve Young was a great quarterback.

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I went to high school with Bosa’s mother…take a guess who her grandfather was? I met Accardo in the late 70’s…


Da Bears :smiley:

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Hahaha don’t hate just because he’s the goat. :laughing:

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Is Tom Brady a team. I think he will win cos he’s SHEEP and he has this incredibly hot wife

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And he is good people and all his cameos with Matt Damon amd Ben Affleck are g9ld, oh yea, also he is the goat. Never had any weapons or wife beating charges, no gambling problems, man, I like him more because he is a class act than a good football player, IMHO

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I wish they’d change their name to their state or city, not a group of states…or area… its really confusing for us Canadians :laughing::laughing:

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Deflategate, cheating is hardly classy. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was hoping someone was awake

He is one of the biggest CAUGHT RED HANDED cheaters of alltime.

The Rams would have stopped this whole charade in its tracks. Video taping their workouts was the lowest thing ever to be caught doing.


I had season tix to the Colts for over 25 years but colen kraperknak and the rest put a stop to that. Dont even know who is playing in any playoffs. Dont care. I tried to sit down and figure out once a few years back how much money I wasted on tickets, tailgating, memorabilia etc and got depressed when I realized it was a huge amount of money down the drain. I wont even watch or read anything anymore nfl related. Or the nba etc. Have not watched baseball since the strike year. Some really good college teams out there although its heading the same way. I got my Sundays back and get more stuff done around the house.