Super Tiny Seeds

Any particular seeds associated with a particular strain that has very tiny seeds? I have some unknown bagseed which has seeds 1/3 to 1/2 the size of normal seeds and was trying to source them if it helps any the original source came from Australia.


I’ve had seeds within the same plant vary in size but never one that had consistently tiny seeds. Although that’s all kind of subjective. Just depends on your experience cause I have some mexi brick seeds that are like double the average size of all the other seeds I’ve acquired.


Wild narrowleafs tend to be very small.
Domesticated broadleafs much larger.
Varieties of hemp cultivated for food can have huge seeds.
And everything in between.


I’ve noticed a correlation between seed size and time of pollination. I’ve noticed in general, if you pollinate plants early, at the onset of flower, seeds tend to be much bigger than if you stagger the pollination and do it later.
I’ve also noticed that seeds tend to be smaller if you over pollinate. I didn’t agree with that idea at first but my experience has shown me otherwise.


Auto strains also tend to produce tiny seeds


these are not auto at all and are outside just really starting to fill out as they bud lol

Not necessarily true, but to some extent right on. All depends on how many seeds the plant produces. When I recently made some the buds up top were so packed they were forming around each other and all we small while the lower branches that didn’t produce many they were normal size.
I let them run naturally so the ladies were barely flowering when pollen first hit them and they stayed with the boys for 5 weeks with a plant shake every 2 days and a final pollen dump from the top of my light hood so they were pollinated very early and consistently

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I agree to disagree. What I said above is something I’ve observed in my own garden more than once. If I put the male and females in at the same time and let them pollinate naturally, my seeds are always much bigger than if I put the females in 2 weeks before the male and try to have a pollination at around 4 weeks when the females have there max amount of pistils.

That is assuming you don’t over pollinate which it sounds like you did. Leaving the male in there for weeks is always going to get you lots of white seeds from over pollinating.

If you make the same crosses again but next time remove the male a few days after he drops pollen, I think you will see what I’m saying. Try it both ways and see what happens.


Calcium is required from the beginning of the flowering cycle and throughout the entire flowering cycle. Calcium defencency leads to a high amount of aborted seeds.

Boron plays an important role in the physiology like cell elongation, tissue development and protein synthesis. This is why a gradual increase of (B) is nessesary for growth, development and increaseing yeild.
(B) also uses the excess nitrogen to increase bud height, yeild and number of calyxes.

The Combination optimises the amount of branches resulting in a maximum yeild although (B) does not effect the number of calyxes as much as calcium and phosphorous.
Overuse of calcium can reduce yeilds and users must dail in their strain specific plants needs as to not use too much or too little. If your useing LEDs then I wouldn’t worry about using too much calcium.


There’s no denying how crucial plant nutrition is for seed plants but even with perfect nutrition, you will still get lots of white seeds if you over pollinate your females with male pollen.


Thats when I leave the buds with those types and revegg the bastards until they all turn brown. But I never get ALL small seeds from a run. Undeveloped seeds need time. You can’t flower them forever…

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So after they are pollinated and seeded, you put them back into veg to let them fully ripen?
Also, can you pollinate the preflowers that are showing white hairs and get individual seeds?

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You can do just about anything you set your mind to I was always told.
In fact I prefer to do both. Pollinate then revegg asap. End up with 25-50 seeds depending plant size it could be more.


Just observation, typically when a plant produces bigger calyxs it also produces bigger seed, also the heavier pollinated a bud site is the seed size typically is reduced to a point, where as if only sporadically pollinated the seeds are usually bigger as more energy can be focused of those few seeds vs many, no different than how you would grow giant veggies


All my Landrace sativa types are much smaller then normal seeds from hybrids or indica varieties.


Smaller seeds can still be just as vigorous as larger seeds.


In this Game of Ours…size really DOESN’T matter!!! All, SS/BW.


The seeds had almost 100% germination rates and the seeds were all uniformly tiny no larger seeds in the mix


Lolab valley has poppy seed sized beans in some cases. Super tiny. Wild sativa. Kalimpong also has tiny seeds, but is a massive tree of a plant.

I agree here. The plant will put some of its energy into forming new seeds rather than bulking up the older ones. I like to pollenate twice a week apart( its wet here, so twice is nice) when stigmas are grouped in pinky nail size clumps, then remove the males so all seeds finish.
It would be ideal to know how many weeks it takes a particular pollinated strain to produce a finished seed, and remove the males that many weeks before the end of flower. Some strains make seed faster than others. This year I did an outdoor open pollination of the Malana Landrace, letting things go naturally. I ended up with lots of white seeds in addition to finished seed, and feel that if I had removed the males on time this wouldn’t have happened, but this is the easiest way to do it by far, as I did nothing but pick seed in the end and the repro( soon to be announced) was a success.


I can assure you I’ve got plenty of mature seeds here and sent out 125 vials with 30-45 seeds in each for the lost preservation box