Making quality seeds

What are the best methods and practices to producing high quality seeds?

I recently made some seeds and there was a high percentage of dud-seeds (white, meatless or frail seeds).

Why is this?
I’ve seen this before and the question came to me that it might be because the buds were too dense, but I don’t really know why. I’ve made lots of seeds, and most of the time my ratios for good to bad seeds are much higher

The mother plants (for the seeds above) finished up their last few weeks outdoors in excellent sunlight. The plants were harvested about 6.5 weeks after initial pollination, and then hung to dry for two weeks.

So I’m looking for ways to improve my seed-making, and increase my ratios for quality seeds - basically dark, solid seeds that germinate well. Any tips or tricks will be highly appreciated

Thank you


The first thing I would say is more ripening time, at least 8 weeks, closer to ten would probably be better.


I used to toss light/white seeds even if they passed the “crush” test until I noticed that whenever I threw them into the compost, over 50% would germinate
3-5 days later. I’ve had some of the darkest and most detailed Tiger-striped seeds I’ve ever produced turn out to be duds (assuming it was due to hard shells or too much moisture in seeds?). I’d say popping a handful of the discolored seeds for viability testing might be helpful in this case. Otherwise, maybe a stronger light or running your plants until the seeds start trying to pop out on their own (I.e. run them longer)? You can even cut off the top canopy of buds when their seeds ripen and continue to let the lowers mature, which helps you get the most out of a pollination.


The infos I’ve gathered so far were resolving around:

  • much longer flowering time, I guess you could let the plant die and dry in the pot if you could :slight_smile:
  • pollenisation timing, there’s a moment in the mother’s life where she’ll produce the best seeds, not only for timing reasons.
  • plant health have to be on par
  • feeding is very different than for sinse, feed higher

I guess that apart the first, you checked all of the boxes :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t be surprised that some mothers/strains do produce different seed shells colors/viability/quality for genetical reasons. In any case not all strains are good to produce seeds, some have not been bred for that trait.


It’s funny that you posted this now. Because I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.
It seems I still get a good amount of dark viable seeds, but the majority is always on the small side size wise.
I wonder if this is because I generally don’t up my nitrogen. :thinking:


Did you remove the males after initial pollination or let them fly the whole time?


Some seeds are white and still good. It is best to leave the male with the females as long as possible. Also dont measure time from polination. Some plants take MUCH more than 6 weeks to produce viable seeds. It is best to allow the plant to die from old age before havesting seeds. I always dry/cure my seeds for at least 1 month in a cool dark place after harvest. Also, a period of time in the freezer will increase germination rates but be sure to cure/ dry them before freezing. :grin:


@Jaws told me I want to pollinate by day 28 and let them rip for at least 6 weeks after. That’s what I’m doing this run so we will see.


stagger your males/females.

by that, i mean start your males in flower 2 weeks earlier than females. this way the males drop pollen just when female preflowers are showing. if you time it right you should have fully mature seeds just at harvest time, around 9 or 10 weeks. seeds take roughly 7-8 weeks from pollination to mature.


Through a secret scientific process I can’t share my seeds are ripe in 5 weeks.


then why bother even mentioning it? :joy:


I’m going to hack his mainframe and freely distribute this scientific method


To let everybody know I have a terrible secret.


I dunno it’s pretty complex. Not everyone can do it.


Just make sure to feed a bit extra when doing a seed run.
your not smokin the bud anyway. Given em a bit more NPK through the entire bloom. + extra sugar.
I also let the plants live untll the seeds are basically falling out.


hey everyone, look at me!! :unamused:

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You’re just jealous you don’t know the secret.


you confuse skepticism for jealousy my friend


Let’s keep the chit chat to the smokers lounge. This thread is about nursing seeds.

I use the Pinky finger trick not exactly to a week.
Personally i prefer to have an entire plant dedicated to producing.


At what point after the flip do you pollinate?