What Are the Biggest Beans You've Seen?

What are some of the biggest beans you’ve ever seen? Do you think a beans size may determine the robustness of a plant?
I’m questioning a theory, that if one adapts a seed to a certain valley, let’s say, for years and years, that said seed will begin to get larger.
Fact? Or Fiction?


I’m not a 100% sure about that man, I wouldn’t say it’s impossible but I have made out crosses before an the resulting seeds were 2-3x the size of the originals I started with.


Thai seed is the largest drug type seed I have seen, though I have not seen any of that in decades, not the legit old Thai anyway. I’ve seen some very large Chinese hemp seed too. Larger seed will almost always have been selectively bred by man, and smaller seed seems to be a wild feral trait. The smaller seed seems to have an advantage in the wild, higher chance of evading and not being consumed by birds et al, thus higher chance of survival.


will a larger plant of the same cutting make a larger seed?

I don’t think so. I have seen tiny beans grow trees.


@beacher Not really, it’s mostly genetically controlled. An early lighter pollination will allow the seed to mature to its full potential though. Less seed, longer to mature, maximum energy reserves to do that. A later heavier pollination can result in seed not reaching it’s full potential.


1994- Jamaican seeds from a brother in Negril.


Some of @ReikoX 's autoflower hybrid, if I recall, were little coconuts :joy: about 2-3x the size of typical seeds, and old 70s/80s Mexican bagseed was smallest I’ve seen, closer to the hulled food hemp seed or sesame.

The R Clarke book Evolution & Ethnobotany (great book) has some pics of seeds & IIRC, the Chinese hemp for food/seed was ginormous…like nearly 1/4" :straight_ruler:

I would suspect that seed morphology is tied to, but not defined by bud morphology, which has changed & evolved &…





Blueberry seeds are huge. Pink Kush is the smallest, my Red GSC has some Pink Kusk flavors and also has small seeds.

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Great picture!


The pic was from an internet search that turned up a paper by Ethan Russo, an MD I think, who can be heard on shango los’ shaping fire podcast. I’d be surprised if he was actually collecting feral seeds in Kashmir, but could be… :man_shrugging:


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The size of the nut, including, has a genetic dependence, as well as on which it is placed on the bush.
Nuts near the central trunk can be twice as large as located at the far points. In addition, the size may depend on the time of pollination, when the plant with more formed flowering cones will pollute the number of burgins on the plant much larger, but the nuts themselves are much smaller.


When I was a kid they where bigger. Sometimes the would be small also. @lefthandseeds BLK Lebanon have been the biggest that I have seen in recent years. JP has some big seeds. The ONI seeds where super small.


Wow that a big difference is size, is it 2 different strains.

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I’ve personally found that autoflower seeds are usually 2x minimum the size of photoperiod seeds.
Seed size has absolutely no baring on plant size.
Same goes for the tiger stripes on seeds. People think they are more mature and will be more likely to germinate. That’s bollox also. I’ve had more luck cracking “Pale” seeds than striped.


I haven’t compared them against everything in my collection, but I’m pretty sure these BOG Sour Strawberry seeds that @CADMAN just sent me are the biggest I’ve seen yet:


They do look big if I’m honest. Maybe it’s to do with where on a plant they are harvested from. Nutrients work upwards so it makes sense the seeds on the lower parts of the plant receive more???


omg so tiny :grimacing:

I want to understand this right. So it’s better to pollinate a bud closer to the main stalk, and earlier in flower?
Thank you for any clarification.

If your goal is to get larger nuts then, the shining up to the base of the trunk is the dusty stamens - the larger the nut is (the largest nuts are usually near the main trunk from where the side branches depart).
However, honestly, I did not notice any more nuts over the smaller. Even when germination of old nuts of different sizes. Although I can be wrong, and the interrelation really exists …

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