Supermale Genetics

Hi all,

Just wanted to point out an observation I had from a cross a few generations. I couldn’t figure it out.

Anyway long story short, pretty much every seed from the line produced male plants even though it should have been a 50/50 ratio if I used my human focused concept of sex.

I read somewhere recently about “super males” which could explain a lot of what is going on but haven’t been able to find many resources. Does anyone know of any place where I can find more?

It’s complicated by the fact that there were hermaphrodites at one generation back, then a male/female cross, which produced almost entirely male plants. Annoying as hell honestly but I’d still like to find out what was going on. If it’s a trait that is unremovable obviously I will have to place any descendants on a watch list :wink:

Thanks guys appreciate any help. Consider these photos of some choice planties as payment



Top: Fruicy Jute (F3 fruit juice IBL)
Middle: Bubba Kush
Bottom: Amnesia Haze


Nice looking plants!

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Believe me they were tasty I was so devastated when the Bubba K ran out

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Very nice grow

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Basically there are degrees of male and female and degrees of intersex or hermie, when you have the right male and hermie together you can end up with supermales that will make all male offspring.


Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for

So for completeness at first generation it would have been

XY (Male) crossed XYY (Male hermie)

Haploid division

X/Y crossed XY/Y or YY/X

in this case probably resulting in


Or something. Complicated! But very interesting. Thank you

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Love me some Bubba ! Nice looking greenery my friend

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Good genetics is all about balance… in humans, I don’t think a yy can even exist, I think you need the x, but in cannabis, who knows… i know xyys in humans are typically taller, but are prone to muscle weakness, occasional slight deformities and slightly lower intelligence… They call them “superman” males, but that’s only because y chromosomes are associated with masculinity. They are not any stronger in real life.

I think they statistically are more likely to end up in prison. Genetics is interesting isn’t it!

I guess in plants there is a bit more extra freedom. It’s always been interesting to me to wonder about how sex is linked with plant genotypes. After reading that document it makes a lot more sense what is going on and why elimination of hermaphrodites can be such an extended process.