Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal


Just a few minor updates everyone :call_me_hand:t2:

Awoken Dragon :dragon: Reveg is going great. Sour D bx4 is also dialing in well. Really happy with the Mango Nigerian and Redliner. Chopped Sour Fro-yo down and jarred Grape Gogurt it really smells like dark chocolate also jarred the DCFD really herby and fresh smelling just waiting on a good cure to test them out.The sour fro-yo smells like funky chocolate as well hope that’s what’s dominant from the male Auto Fro-yo pollen via @joheimgrohen . One heck of a male. :100: Planted some fresh autos in the mini bed another Grape Gogurt , Apple Fro-yo, And WW x AK x Amg Sour via @darkillusion below is a pic of the Grape Gogurt after a trim and headed to the jar.

As always thank you to all who check out my grows
Overgrow continues to be life… :call_me_hand:t2: :100:
Have a great night everyone hoping for only successful grows for the entire OG community.
Soon I’ll continue some of my giveaways should have some fresh interesting crosses on the way.
:wink: :call_me_hand:t2:



Thanks brother, but she wasn’t a dude. Flipped a branch with STS.


Then that female must been a favorite of yours
Either way great plant from a great breeder. :call_me_hand:t2:
Stoner memory problems my apologies @joheimgrohen


All good, I just don’t want anyone to be misinformed. Some people swear femming leads to hermaphroditism. I’ve seen no evidence to support that claim, I even stressed the hell out of my “test round”; light interruptions, Under feed over fed, drought, all of it. No surprise nanners on any of the six, surprise bugs, but no nanners.


I hear you 2 out of the 4 crosses I made held up phenomenally not a single nanner in sight. I’ll keep you in the loop I’m testing another one now. But I don’t worry I also stress tested them a bit.That’s what I’m going to attempt with Awoken Dragon (Lavender Honey Pheno) I have in veg currently they’re Regs but I’d love to give the OG community 100% stable fems.Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover: Thank you again for being a prime example of what OG represents. :facepunch:t2:


I wish for you the greatest of lucks and heavy harvests. I’m a little proud of my grandsprouts. Okay, okay, you twisted my arm. I’m going to have to throw a “Sour Froyo”… (wait. Was that the one renamed to Grape Gogurt?) Either way, going to have to throw at least 1 in with the next auto pop. Probably mid April. I’ll tag ya.


Nope both exist Sour Fro-yo is the one I just hung up I’ll get pics up in a day or 2. It was with a Sour Diesel Auto from SeedSupreme and Grape Gogurt is Scarlet Grapes F2 via @blowdout2269 x Fro-yo. What I’m testing currently is an Apple Fritter x Froyo I made a few seeds of on account of me planting an apple fritter Bagseed that flowered on me after the root hit the bottom of a solo cup. Hence the testing hoping it truly is 100% auto. Last one I made was auto Blue Diesel x Fro-yo if you want a few they’re yours and @blowdout2269 whenever. You guys rocked it with these plants.Thank you and I promise these are definitely some great specimens. :man_scientist:t2:


I must be crazy to like regs so much :wink: but I’m glad I got some of the reg Awoken Dragon. Seedling #3 is looking good now too. :green_heart:

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That’s awesome Rain love how your plants always get the grade A treatment :wink: :pray:t2:

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That’s awsome. And oh, I’ll definitely take you up on that offer! :wink:

Damn, y’all are making me wanna drop some autos.


They’re yours brother small request please if they’re as fire as they appear you kindly F2 a few for the community if possible only have about 15 left seeing as I just dusted a branch on each auto plant last run. I’m still miles from what you and a few others have done for us OGers. Hoping soon though I can have a separate tent just for seed projects. :nerd_face: So far they’re all coming up chocolate smelling the scarlet grape cross especially reeks of chocolate covered raisins :drooling_face: I need you to confirm if I’m correct.Trim job was 10 min on an Oz. I just dropped another one of the Grape Gogurt to confirm. I’ll send them out ina about 2 days.Lffgrrroowww :call_me_hand:t2:

I wish I had sts spray or an expert in reversing autos :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m about to mix a small batch of STS in a few weeks, Don’t need much here, I can send some up your way if your timing is soon.


I’ve got @sebring recipe STS stock solution in my fridge right now. You want some? I got you homie!

And yeah, I’d reproduce. Gladly.
But full disclosure, I have at least two projects ahead of it. A real special one for the community by @BeTheLight, is getting prep’d for right now.


You see that typo?
Sounded like some backasswards hillbilly. :laughing:


I actually just did a fun chuck the other day!

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I appreciate it Trickster thanks just pm me when you do make it. I’ll most likely need it I’m looking into ramping up the seed production and possibly putting polls up to decide the crosses make it a game of sorts.

Thank brother whenever you can no pressure on timing but rest assured I will be in the lab cooking up strain crosses as I did when I was a chef making menus and specials of the day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I wonder what are these mystery projects you got going on :thinking:
Always exciting stuff :100: I’m sure it’s gonna blow socks off :facepunch:t2:

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easiest just to send the pre-measured dry powders in an envelope and let u mix with said ml distilled water… Again, won’t be pulling that stuff out for a bit, if @blowdout2269 can cover quicker… Look into it at some point, not that expensive to get the powders to have on hand if your doing alot

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I’m just dying to tell…
I cant do it anymore! :joy:

Chucked some Scarlet Grapes auto fem pollen at BOG Sour Grape photo. Gonna be first my auto conversion/cross attempt. It’ll take a while. Years. :astonished:

Consider y’all the first to know.

Hey @Heliosphear, where you at buddy???
This is the one and only that I’ve actually been able to grow, lol.




Forgot the “my”