Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal

Excellent that’s kinda what I’m looking for. Perma frost is almost done and some beans will come your way. Also now have widows luau that should be done around same time :v:



Hope all you growing legends are doing great just my usual update on the growlab. :call_me_hand:t2:
F13 :arrow_heading_down: just got up potted into a 3g once she gets settled in I’ll get ready and flip her. Might dust a few branches she was definitely something different. Variegated and mostly red stem.

CripXMas A F4 (frostiest pheno) just got put into flower a few days ago. First time growing her in soil looking to compare to my hydro run.

Budshots :camera_flash:

Grape Pie :arrow_heading_down:

PHR x 95 Silver Haze :arrow_heading_down:

MM x CBH :arrow_heading_down:

White Rhino :arrow_heading_down:

White Widow Mystery Cross :arrow_heading_down: :crossed_fingers:t2:

CatPiss :arrow_heading_down:

Orange Barb x Zkittles :drooling_face:

LocoDayDream (cheese pheno) :fire:

As always thanks for coming by and checking out my grows everything in between :pray:t2:
Hope all OG projects are going superb. :tada:
OG is Life :green_heart:


Looking :eyes: good as always bro :sunglasses:, I like the Grape Pie, White Widow Mystery Cross, & the Orange Barb x Zkittles picture the best. Here is a picture of the Triple Spice you sent me I got going in are Florida room outside. :blush::wink::facepunch::+1::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


She looks sooo healthy and happy :partying_face:
phenomenal job @OhNo555 promise you’ll love her.
I’ll be sending some special things your way really soon :wink:


She is phat bro :sunglasses:, you did me righteously! I thinking :face_with_monocle: she will go another 12”s and continue to side branch. Going to be a lot of nugs :crossed_fingers:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::blush::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Hopefully she’s already starting to smell great definitely going to be some nice nuggage :slightly_smiling_face: :call_me_hand:t2:
If you haven’t cloned her already I’d take a snip if I were you and fridge it for later. :fire:


How long have you kept a snip in the fridge @OnePassionateGrower? Hope your having a great and pain-free day brother​:v::heart:

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Thanks bud one day at a time I always take it. :call_me_hand:t2:
So far longest ones I’ve had refrigerated were 6mo
But it’s definitely strain dependent I feel that if you do fridge any cuts you want a decently sturdy stem (not brown) and everything to remain as dry as possible I leave a napkin folded with a few the have extra condensation and that seems to keep them green and fresh. Once I take em out I let them sit in rooting gel or powder for a bit to ease them into the warmer temperatures then off to the T5 rooting plug or rock wool they go. I know @Rhino_buddy and @Jim also have their own excellent methods. Hope this helps :crossed_fingers:t2:


Damn, there’s my one new thing I learned today, I didn’t think they could last anywhere near that long. I’ll check the other 2 out also, thanks. Also, what’s up with THH, kinda jonesing over here for a report lol.


@Sailorboy THH got the chop a day or 2 ago I spoke to a few veteran OGers they insisted on a 3-6 month cure
Just tried her today super smooth so far, intense thick smoke and extra potent. Slight haze taste but still needs a better cure. I’ll post pictures of the insane buddage in a day or 2 bud. :call_me_hand:t2: cut her a bit earlier than I’d liked but my humidity a few weeks back was out of control high 80s. The cuts I kept are going I’ll be running her again to dial it in even further. :call_me_hand:t2:


Nice job on them girls, yeah I heard they take aliitle time to cure to get the true effects out of them.

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What’s going on OGers :slightly_smiling_face: hope everyone is doing well physically mentally and spiritually.
Just an update on the growlab and some of my antics. :crazy_face:

(Midnight Mass x CBH) x Chocolights :arrow_heading_down:
Testing the new cross

Mango Nigerian via :arrow_heading_down: @Tykal week 1.5 flwr

90s Kush via :arrow_heading_down: @Bobgrows almost 2 weeks into flower.


White Widow :arrow_heading_down: Mystery Cross Smelling delicious I want to say sour cherrys. Still a bit early to give a good guess.

AC Haze :arrow_heading_down: (TopDawg) Smells earthy with heavy mango

White Rhino via :arrow_heading_down: @Rhino_buddy
Smells incredible so many flavors. Thank you my friend.

Outdoor2024 Things are going good fed the girls beefy stem is Frankenstein course :call_me_hand:t2: I managed to also get in one of the pics as well but the girls crowded me a bit. :joy:

As always I really appreciate all that come and stop by my thread even if it’s just to browse. :bowing_man:t2:‍♂
Please always hug your loved ones, every day living is considered a gift, cherish it. I’m going to go light some of this Nostalgic Blue Dream cheers OGers :clinking_glasses:

OG Is Life :green_heart: :v:t2:


Always big and looking :eyes: good bro :sunglasses:! :blush::wink::+1::facepunch::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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The variety you grow is phenomenal, you must be OGs best tester. What’s your top three favorites from OG all time? (And how do I get some) :wink:

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And holy shit that bottle/stem picture is the best, wish it was on the voting block for best picture for the canniversary party


Thank you @Franklin i really appreciate the kind compliments. Your Orange Barb x Zkittles is still kicking ass as well she’s outdoor and indoors.

Honestly all of OG has great strains with different qualities. Top 3 would probably have to be Triple Spice, Blue Dream, CripXMas. Then your strains would be next the Backjack x Sour was a great yielder and OB x Z is legendary. Hoping to cross a few OG strains and return them back to the community. Bud you know you’re more than welcome to anything in my garden. I’m only a Pm away. Might not be the wealthiest man alive but I do feel rich with the generosity OG reciprocates. Wether I win anything on the cannanniversary or not I’m truly happy and blessed to be apart of such a wonderful family. :100:
OG Rules :green_heart:


I keep seeing all the praise for Triple Spice, and now you have it in your top 3. I’m going to have to build up my trading stock and try to get some. Do you remember who made them?


The 1 and only @Foreigner :call_me_hand:t2:



I heard that fella went legal.


I hope the legends are true …
