Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal

Good thing OPG is gonna show us what’s up!


Thank you it means a lot coming from you :call_me_hand:t2:
Thanks for breeding these :fire: 🫘 as well
Super excited for these :boom:

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@OnePassionateGrower you’re like OG’s resident seed tester, I love it. What are some of your favorite crosses from OGers? Anyone we should flood with seed requests? :wink:


Thank You happy to be here and accounted for
:saluting_face: :beans: :sparkles: :potted_plant:

Will definitely be keeping everyone in the loop on all things OG .The grow & smoke reports will be as detailed as possible :call_me_hand:t2:



Small update

@Franklin Blackjack x Sour Diesel Will Be Flipping Monday :facepunch:t2:

@Ottafish AP x SB will get the flip to flower Monday as well :call_me_hand:t2:

Jamaica :jamaica: Bagseed Will also be flipped all into 5-7 gallon containers

@darkillusion 2 Sour AMG F2

@middleman BerryFreak F4

@SamwellBB 2 Baked Beanz Double Cookies x Koffee

@Foreigner 2 Triple Spice

Midnight Mass x Cuban Black Haze & Killer Glue Bagseed Some other babies in the works :pray:t2:
Scarlet Grapes F2s by @blowdout2269 got the chop a few days ago solid nugs :100: I’ll be trimming and testing real soon.smoke report coming asap 🫡


Pics or it didn’t happen!

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Pic is :axe: day about 8 days ago she’s in the dry room now I’ll be trimming on Monday and posting pics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: also checking for a few beans. :nerd_face: @blowdout2269


Here’s the Sour Diesel Auto (SupremeSeeds) x
Fro-yo Auto via @joheimgrohen Freshly harvested today How do they look @blowdout2269 ?? :thinking:


Like I want some! :rofl:

Seriously though. Great job buddy. :+1:t2:
I like to let mine dry with the plant. Then shuck when I trim it up for extracts. Usual 10-14 day mark.
If you shuck to early, the outer layer of the seed can rub off.
Yours look good.
I might dry an extra day. But most of the time, they will go straight to the fridge after drying with the plant.


I’ll be getting some stamps Monday :crossed_fingers:t2: wish me luck I’ll also be checking on the scarlet grapes F2s x Froyo auto as well to send you at the same time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
The blue diesel x froyo still needs some more time
And I have to send a few to @joheimgrohen of course for providing the magic froyo dust.
I’ll be starting my giveaways real soon :smirk: :wink:
Thank You for everything :100:

I dried exactly as you wrote and they’re sitting in the fridge now.Can’t wait to see what they bring :fire:


How exciting. It’s such fun! Make us proud. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just been sent and have permission to show you this.

Baked Beanz Double Cookies x Koffee


🫠 :drooling_face: Holy Frost Monster she’s a looker and stacks lovely super impressive thank you. Now I know for a fact I’m going to keep her around for a while.You’re a gifted breeder for sure :100: :call_me_hand:t2: Ever need an extra honest tester I’m your guy.

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Scarlet Grapes F2 by @blowdout2269 :call_me_hand:t2:

Smells like grape jolly rancher and gassy terps
Smoke report in 2 weeks after it’s cure no hay smell after drying A+ buds look beautiful.


@Franklin Day 1 of Flower Repotted Her Into A Bigger Home :call_me_hand:t2: BlackJack x Sour Diesel

@Ottafish Its Flowering Time :fire: AP x SB

@middleman BerryFreak starting to take off in her new pot finally.

Baby’s are doing great just fed everyone flipped the tent to flower.Going to Veg these all out a few more weeks till I’m happy with their size then flip them as well. :deciduous_tree: Some more Awoken Dragon :dragon: got trimmed and jarred today too.



Man that is definitely looking more blackjack then sour d. Leaning more sativa like. I wonder which direction the flowers will favor? Looks great man.

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Don’t smoke that joint all at once. lol

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Thank You she’s definitely one plant I’m proud of.
I’m hoping she’s stacks nicely. :crossed_fingers:t2: Thanks for sharing these genetics. Honestly can’t wait to test out her flower. :100:

Woah there…It’s at least 2 and a half joints worth.
:joy: :sob: Damn auto got stunted on my watch.It was my First auto I’m just thankful she finished all the way thru.Hopefully one day all my plants can grow as big as your Trees :deciduous_tree: :crossed_fingers:t2: