Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal

Fuck dude all of my autos look like that, these people who produce massive autos like @blowdout2269 are magicians.


You are right on par with my indoor grows. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I tend to over-abuse my autos with OCDLST. :joy:
Well, I did score 5.4oz from the Chunkadelic auto fem from HSC. That was a record for me!

It’s @Going2fast with the real consistant monsters. :wink:


Yummy ! :yum:

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@SamwellBB Baked Beans 2 Double Cookies x
Koffee F2 Lots of vigorous growth biggest leaves out of all the plants I have growing at the moment.

@darkillusion 2 AMG Sour F2 finally really taking off
:flight_departure: :fire:

@Foreigner 3 Triple Spice Looking Fantastic real nice growth from all of them 🪴

@middleman BerryFreak F4 Really Happy Plant So Far :pray:t2:

@misterD Grapefruit And Banana testers growing good they were a bit finicky but are doing much better now.


In the 5x5 In Week 1 of Flower Is
@Franklin Blackjack x Sour Diesel
@Ottafish AP x SB &
1 Jamaica Bagseed :jamaica:

Thank You For Stopping By :100: :pray:t2:


@middleman any tips on collecting pollen on this berry freak male? I’m going to drop a few more of these in 2 weeks :crossed_fingers:t2:


Sorry, I can’t help you there. My attempts at collecting pollen have been unsuccessful. All of my pollinations have been from live plants or pollen that others have collected.

Collecting pollen is something I really need to learn how to do.


I have always just separated the male to a safe area, put it in a big trash can with a small light over it… no cover unless it’s a small plant and had ventilation with a light… Males don’t need all that much light to flower… I pick the flowers, let em dry in one of the metal coffee filters that used the paper filters inside. once dried, shake it over a small framed picture or mirror, scrape it up with a razor blade to a pile and collect, let it dry a bit more then cut it with baked flour and store in fridge with rice…


I’ve collected before it’s just this thing is freaky lol I’m thinking put aluminum foil and cardboard underneath cut it to the size of the pot and wait and shake as I did before wish me luck :four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Yea that’s the plan I usually isolate the males and keep everything isolated this will be new and exciting it’s real freaky that’s for sure wish me luck :four_leaf_clover: :joy: :crossed_fingers:t2:


You’re ahead of me then…

I bet when it gets a little farther along and starts to drop, it will be more normal(ish). The father was pretty normal in that regard. Your specimen does look particularly gnarly though.


@Foreigner Triple Spice Biggest is a girl :call_me_hand:t2:
Other 2 should show any day now.

@SamwellBB Baked Beans Double Cookies x Koffee f2 Biggest one is a 100% girl showing sex today.

@darkillusion AMG Sour F2


@Franklin BlackJack x Sour Diesel How’s she looking ?Week 2 Flwr :call_me_hand:t2:


I grew the biggest auto I’ve ever grown this last run. She measured 51-1/2 inches tall and 42 inches wide leaf tip to least tip. Dosi walker made by @TestOfOath , I’ve had some tiny one also. Most average 2-3 feet tall. For me the key is to put it in its final home as soon as the first true leaves pop. Give light nutes ( I use clonex seedling clone solution ). until 2nd or 3rd set and start to ease into normal nutes light dose and slowly up to normal dose. I grow hydro and can usually get some size out of auto. This was Dosi walker just before chop.


Been looking at those bucket systems and wanted to know how were you liking it? I wanted to wait a few weeks before I asked about it, but couldn’t wait any longer :joy::joy::joy: wifey says she can spend some money on me for Christmas :santa: :christmas_tree: so I am working my list. :sunglasses::snowman::v:


Absolutely amazing thread! How the f have I missed this for so long? Thanks @OnePassionateGrower for not only pullin’ off this grow, but doing such a great job of documenting it to! Just OUTSTANDING bro! :call_me_hand:

Yobro, I find that if I have the room, and the mix to spare, if I put my auto’s in big pots right from the start I can get remarkable growth! I’m nowhere near OnePassionateGrower’s skill at producing these beautiful babies, but I get lucky now and then!

My first auto run I ended up with 29 plants that never got than bigger than 12"! Here’s the ‘biggest’, and it’s the one I just left alone in a 4 inch pot! :pleading_face:

Here’s the second round of autoflowers…as they got started…in mid-January

I seeded them out and tried putting 2 direct-seeded beans in a 10 gallon airpot right from the start…no more “Oh, don’t worry I know what I’m doing with gentle transplanting!” BS!

Not quite 1 1/2 months later (Those cages are 2 meters tall!);

At almost 2 months;

3 months from germination!..

The moral of the story; “Give 'em enough room and they’ll do their thing!” :joy:



Once you get the ph balancing in check it’s a lot less stressful :call_me_hand:t2: but honestly go for it I love being able to do both soil & hydro.Keep the Rez in check too any mistakes and you’ll see them immediately so less is more in all departments and they feed once daily on the timer.

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Your plants are taller than most people I will take all the notes you’ve got thank you. :man_bowing:t2: :call_me_hand:t2:
From 12” inches to 12 Footers Amazing Man…Amazing. :star_struck:



@Franklin BlackJack x Sour Diesel :fire:

Jamaica :jamaica: Bagseed :sunglasses:

@Ottafish AP x SB :mask:

@Foreigner Triple Spice :lemon: :cup_with_straw:

@darkillusion AMG Sour F2 :boom:

@SamwellBB Baked Beans Double Cookies x
Koffee F2 :cookie: :coffee:

Apologize for the clay pebbles everywhere they always fall out when I’m doin LST and defoliating :joy:



Thanks for the information, I am out of likes. :+1::facepunch::sunglasses::v:

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In week 3 Flwr buds are starting to stack :pray:t2:
AMG Sour F2,Double Cookies x Koffee F2,Triple Spice 1 Confirmed Female :star_struck:
Got the PH regulated on the growflow bucket system :bowing_man:t2:‍♂

Thanks For Checking Out My Grows :100:
