Supplemental UVA LED bars... when should I turn these on?

I bought a couple AC Infinity Ionbeam targeted UV supplemental LED bars (11"), but I’m having a hard time finding reliable info on when to use them during my grow.

I’ve seen recommendations to use them continuously during veg and flower at the same time as the full spectrum lights.
I’ve also read that they should only be used in short bursts during late flower.

Can anyone give some insight on the best use of these lights?


Are they UVA or UVB? I think that makes a big difference.


I assume they are like the hlg led UV bar. I run mine in flower only, the entire 12 hours.


They are UVA with 2 different diodes:
365nm and 395nm


What’s the wattage?

They are 24W each


How big of a tent? I use 1 30 watt bar in a 5x5 and it’s great.


I’m using a 4x4 tent


I’d probably run just one. 48 watts seems like a lot. But I donno, I could be very wrong

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I know this is highly subjective, but was it worth it? Been eyeballing these for a bit.

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Seems to be to me, but I haven’t run without it in awhile.


3hours in the middle of your light cycle @CrookedTooth is where I have mine set to imitate the peak of the day. :ok_hand:


I would personally run those same hours as your main light, regardless if you are veg or bloom 2x 24w is a fair wattage.
Now on the other hand If you were to spend quite a lot of time on the grow room for safety precautions I will turn it into during that period.

UVA/UVB can cause damage to the skin if the exposure time is too long, same goes to plants, if leaves are getting burnt or curly that is your best indicator that you went over the top.

But it all comes to UV spectrum ( A,B )and exposure. now days most of the comercial ‘full spectrum’ lights have them integrated somehow on the bars amongst the rest of the white/ red ones. I don’t think those are powerful either, depending on the model they might be between 0.5 to 2w each, do certainly you are on the safe side if you were to keep them on.


I’ve been running 4 of the small ACI UV bars in my 4x4 for about 4 cycles now. I run them at 100%, attached to my main lights, about 12-18” above canopy.

I run them all 12 hours of lights on. They certainly won’t fry your plants if you run them 12 hours a day.

Having said that, am I accomplishing anything by using them? Beats the hell out of me.


I have a 5x5 I may need to grab me some.

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Its UVB your really wanting for adding a bit more potency and terpenes that is used last 2 to 3 weeks of bloom for around 6 to 8 hours daily. Look at t-5 lighting UVB/A reptile bulbs if your wanting summink like this happening more over what a standalone UVA led light will do in the same scenario.

Last i looked LED wasn`t able to produce UVB in the 280-320nm light spectrum hence why we use a t-5, t-8 or cfl UVB/A bulbs. Although I’ve not looked properly for years so LED may have come on a bit more since i did, that said if LED did produce UVB why aren’t they selling them like the do those UVA led strips. Just my opinion on jobby.

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I heard 60 mins early flower 90 mins mid flower and 120 min to end.

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I run the hlg uv bar in my 5x5 it’s great.

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