T5 LED Tubes?

Forgot the link, d’oh

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Mars Hydro did reply and said it’s fine to hang their panels vertically. They were actually more concerned with how you would do that given that their panels aren’t really even set up to be hung that way.

Sent another message to @VIVOSUN their panels have hanging holes that would easily facilitate vertical hanging. Will update if they respond.


There are lots of 2ft LED T5 replacement tubes available.
But, there are 2 different kinds.

  1. LED T5 tubes that require you to re-wire the light fixture and bypass the ballast (this in not what most people want)
  2. LED T5 tubes that are direct drop-in replacements. (this is what most people want, and the type that I bought)

I bought some last year, and put them into my T5 germination fixture.
After about 2 months of use, one of the bulbs caught fire and burned itself up.
I was lucky my whole house didn’t burn down.

So, moral of this story… Buy the right kind of bulb, and buy the highest quality ones available from a reputable company… because some of the ones on eBay might not be safe.


The t5 leds the phlips ones have one major draw back they don’t work with seedlings and fresh clones the light is too direct and not defused and my younger plants showed light stress stunting development this is with one bulb all the way up in a 4 foot fixture

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My Phototrons uses T5’s and I use it for veg/flower… Don’t underestimate to power of T5’s bromigos…


I’ve got a Maxibright 4x t5 lightwave, to get equal light intensity from a 240w 4k board i only need 35w, that’s with a recent change of fluorescent bulbs.

Led is super efficient but i still use my 4x T5s for the heat they give off, the 100w of T5s keeps my D90 tent within acceptable temperature range for most of the year.

The led t5 sound interesting but idk which ones are straight replacement for tubes?

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I couldn’t really find any. I just ended up buying a second 200w panel instead. 400w in a 2x4 probably as good as it’ll get.

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Same aim here. I’d like to put 1 to 2 t5 LED lamps on my Lightwave fixture. I don’t even know if it’s possible.

I saw some led tubes on amagonnakillnaturezone, but it was 60cm long ( 4cm too long).


Just going with two LEDS was the best decision ever, yields are crazy now in that box