Take a walk down memory lane with me

While I was cleaning up my storage room, I discovered an old college textbook that I had long forgotten about:

I had pressed leaves inside it, very special ones- at least to me, anyway.

This is from my very first cannabis plant, ever. I was still in high school so it was in the late 80s, and I grew it in my bedroom under a crappy lightbulb lol. My parents never went in my room.

My buddies were suitably impressed with this thing, which did quite well considering it only got a diet of water and whatever nutrients it got from incense ashes and tapped out bowls. It turned out to be a big sativa male, sadly, so down it came.

This is from my first “real” plant, a Bogglegum. A wonderful OGer called towguy gifted me a 400w HPS (which I later gifted to another newbie) and BOG kindly gifted me some Bogglegum and Lifesaver seeds. This was my first real attempt at a proper grow, and it turned out amazing. I will forever be indebted to those folks, and to Overgrow for helping me get started.

Lastly, I have some leaves from my Black Mamba. Rezdog sent me the mamba seeds and they honestly blew my mind. They’ve faded over time, but they were originally jet black with purple and gold highlights.

I know it’s not much, but seeing them again brought back so many wonderful memories of the fun I had growing and smoking myself silly lol


That’s cool as hell! :+1: What a nice memory made manifest!


I would love to make a cool display with them, maybe use some of my other pressed flowers and put them all under glass. They’re so delicate that if you look at them wrong they shatter.


Right, one must be in the right frame of mind, so to speak. (Where’s my bong?) :rofl:

That could be a fabulous coffee table top. Of course, the leaves may fade once exposed to light for an extended period.


I’m thinking about framing them. Maybe I can do something with Mod Podge and preserve them better.


And keep them out of direct sunlight.

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A trip down memory lane, calculus, you had me in the first half im not going to lie.

This is very cool, to this day i still put stuff in books for me to find in the future lol :slightly_smiling_face:


The OG name towguy rings a bell in my memory…


Framing them with some other college stuff would make a great memory.


A trip down memory lane, calculus, you had me in the first half im not going to lie.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, I was going to school for aerospace engineering. Didn’t like it, switched to aviation maintenance. Got my A&P, had a pilots license and an instructor certificate as well.

I’m no longer a part of that world. I lost my medical years ago to diabetes, and gave it all up. I don’t remember much of it now, but I still have a few old photos.

This is very cool, to this day i still put stuff in books for me to find in the future lol :slightly_smiling_face:

High me is forever squirreling away stuff for sober me to find much later. Lol


Towguy was an awesome dude, I think he was a tow truck driver from somewhere in Colorado. We were trying to make plans to meet up and party, but it just wasn’t to be. Hopefully he’s still out there and doing well.


It’d be cool if you could encase them in epoxy and make a 3D shadow box with em.


That’s was one thing about BOG, he gave seeds away for free…He also gifted me a couple strains because he wanted to see his strains being grown in Phototrons…
He knew about Phototrons but back then nobody was growing kickass sugar coated buds like I was with Phototrons. I even gave him some cured buds to let him try it out…
He was really fascinated on how I turned my Phototrons into a SWC/TRON(hydro) to produce some kickass smoke…I wish I still had those pix of Bogglegums growing in my Phototrons from my old Overgrow gallery…
I really missed those days when we corresponded regularly…I ended up making my own crosses with his strains…RIP BOG, my friend…


This is very cool @Hippiechik i recently found a couple old grow books from my childhood as well, was comical reading the advice inside from 40 years ago, I too like to stash things in books and have had some pleasant long lost surprises. Very very cool

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