Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

Still up, adding some details: [quote=“Pawsfodocaws, post:3329, topic:132405”]
VVVVvvVvv scarlet grapes f2 x zameldelica exp. F4 auto reg

I bet there’s at least one really fun plant in there. :grin:
I think its a safe bet these are the seeds I made about 50 of as a random fun cross. :slight_smile: Nearly the opposite of the careful work needed for real breeding projects. I chucked two very different sets of genes together to produce unpredictable offspring with likely high hybrid vigor.

I dropped a dozen of these a couple months ago in some trashy soil amongst all my bugs, and one of the girls grew like a wild monster. Several others looked good, and there were no herms, but I kept only her alive. There’s pics in my grow journal. "Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal) - #553 by RainToday
She got pollinated too, and chopped down yesterday quite early, so no real look at the bud potential. Extreme amount of stinky terps from the plant though, and I’ve no doubt she’d have hit 5’ if grown in a 15g pot of good soil and not supercropped nor pollinated.

No hurt feelings if these go unclaimed either. It’s kind of like a plant scratch ticket, it’s just not everyone’s cup of tea.:laughing: But I did want to offer up the info and pics.