"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

I’m very happy with

  1. The resilient and vigorous growth promoting genetics of the Miss Piggy
  2. Successfully saving 4 out of 5. :heart_eyes:

I ditched a shrimpy male which didn’t show the same strong growth. It was the only seedling not to manage to send roots down through the Rapid Rooter. I also culled a stress herm. That left two lovely girls. I am blown away by how they started in on such vigorous growth after recovering from the hard start. It was like they never had been damaged at all.

The male has been dumping pollen on them this whole time, so their pre-flowers already have big fat seeds even though the plants are only 7 weeks old, and that’s going to dwarf them as well, but look at the first one to take off - it has hit 22" and developed some trichomes in spite of everything. I’m convinced they’d have been enormous plants given half a chance. @Carty has got something special here, and I’m very happy to be preserving it to a next generation.

The one seedling whose root didn’t get bitten off to begin with turned out to be a gorgeous male. So in the end here its going to be two females and a male of Miss Piggy, and additional females of Gabagoo, Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape, Beast Mode, and Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4.

The buds on the Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4 have developed a delightful pineapple smell, and the stems stink of skunk, which is the way the pineapple plants are. Big strong plants too. I’ll be very interested to create an f2 & f3, and to breed them back to the pineapple.

I’ve now got a couple of males in my Scarlet Grapes x Zamaldelica Express f4, with no herm issues there either. There’s one good looking big girl too, she’s in there with the Miss Piggy pollen though. I don’t have a use for the seeds, but if someone wants them I could let some of them finish. That’d be a very diverse cross of crosses. It’d be (Scarlet Grapes f2 x Zamaldelica Express f4) x (Man Bear Alien Pig x Gabagoo). I do love adding genetic diversity, but I prefer keeping things to the same general effects in the high.