Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I saw those, but they looked like the plastic old CD jewel cases were made of that easily break or crack… what do you think? Good enough? Did you test it with biggest seeds?.. maybe soon we will be sending dozens of clones like this with tissue cultures… :D.
Vvv Zamdelica Express auto regs vvV

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With foam inserts they should be okay but I have used something similar and had a 50% fail rate w/o the inserts.

Still Available:

I will take the Vvv Zamdelica Express auto regs vvV and leave vvv ultra early love vvv
( ultra early sativa) from Arnold


@Guerilla send me your info brother, I’ll get those packed up


Hey @Guerilla ill take the
vvv ultra early love vvv
( ultra early sativa) from Arnold

and leave a flip of Erawan Thai


I keep some of my seeds in those, and they’re great for that. But I think those rollers at the post office would smash those into smithereens. Only one way to find out I guess…just don’t send anything rare until you know.


I don’t send in letters anymore. Everything is in a bubble package now.


Too expensive. Get some pucks. There’s people on here that give them away @JonPott


These fail quite often in a letter but will work in a package. But if you are doing packages the little centrifuge holders or pucks work for a lot less $$$

still up erawan thai

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We make pucks of all kinds for shipping seeds.

Still up…Erawan Thai


I have messaged you before about this @Bobgrows and still making a fun design for us to work out. Thisbwas after I order the bubble packages and coin flips I have now. I appreciate everyone commenting about this.

Still up @Drsunshinestrains

Vvv Erwans Thai vvV


Don’t forget your doodle!

Still up from @Drsunshinestrains

Vvv Erwans Thai vvV


apparently Erawan Thai is 140 plus day flower. sounds rough. maybe it would be better on the landrace trade thread.


I agree, noticed that, but also, he can’t just redact… he is claiming seeds and left undesirable (sorry)… maybe make a rule that you must change or sweeten the offer every 12 hours it goes unclaimed, and maybe the previous transaction doesn’t go through UNTIL someone claims yours, so you can cancel and leave those claimed seeds for someone else… nearly 3 days of nothing is unacceptable…


Ill throw up a flip to get the thread going

Vv Meltdown f2 vV


I’ll take those and leave 3 Fem Papaya99 and 3 Fem Rosetta Stoned

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I think if we wanted to do that we would need to start a whole new topic and apply those. Also might be worth noting for USA only or EU only. I have traded with a few who I will not state live in southeast Asia or Europe. No issues shipping to those place but the price of shipping can add up for those parts of the world.

Still up for grabs @Kon

Vvv 3 Fem Papaya99 and 3 Fem Rosetta Stoned vvV


Looks like folks have moved on, but the Erawan Thai was only up 1 day. I would have taken it, was trying to restrain my Landrace hoovering impulses. People have pointed out before in this thread that leaving things a day so others have a chance is polite.

My personal opinion is that it’s best to be chill, and try to remember that we won’t be able to have this thread run exactly the way we each want, because we all want different things. :green_heart:


I’m with you I’ll take the erawan this was first chance I’ve had to see them. Are they still up for grabs yes or no @Drsunshinestrains


I was adding it with the sebrings revenge that took a day and change… I’m all for CBD and Ratio phenos, would of definitely gone for it if it was Sebrings Revenge alone… not a lavender guy…

And trust me, I do feel bad… I wanted to offer to move it along too, but felt it would be hurtful and more insulting, so I just waited. There are more people waiting that need to be in mind also

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