Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

BTW, i DMed him this, but here’s a public thank you to @JonPott , i got the Lojack seeds he sent.

Available from @Kon -

Vvvv 3 Fem Grimm Mints [Pineapple Cinderella 99 x Kush Mints] vvvV


Vvvv 3 Papaya 99 and 2 Heka Fems vvvV

International allowed and official BGS gear repackaged


Hey @darkillusion
The GTR F3 arrived, those are some nice big seeds. You weren’t stingy either! Appreciate you!

Available from @Kon -

Vvvv 3 Fem Grimm Mints [Pineapple Cinderella 99 x Kush Mints] vvvV


Vvvv 3 Papaya 99 and 2 Heka Fems vvvV

International allowed and official BGS gear repackaged


Thanks for the public shout out! :grin:

Still up for grabs from @Kon

Vvvv 3 Fem Grimm Mints [Pineapple Cinderella 99 x Kush Mints] vvvV


Vvvv 3 Papaya 99 and 2 Heka Fems vvvV

International allowed and official BGS gear repackaged (not sue what this is about but keeping it going :rofl:)


I got your seeds today too… just opened them… Def looks like they went through a tumble, and shed a little matter, but they are all intact! :thinking:

My new offer

Vvv 3 GMints, 2 HEKA and 2 Papaya vvV


I’ll try those out thanks and throw in a pack of regs Macv2 x Dream Beaver…


I’ll take those @bytheKasiz

And leave

15 beans of regs
Vvv GSC (HSC) x Lime OG ( Exotic Genetics ) Vvv


I’ll take those and leave

Vvvvvvv queens banner s1 autoflower vvvvvvv


I’ll take those and leave

Vvv 2 Guptilla Kush regs and 2 (GSC x Long Bottom Fighter) regs vvV

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Got your seeds today… Thank you! @Neoangelo147 :pray::blush:


New offer

Vvv 2 Guptilla Kush regs and 2 (GSC x Long Bottom Fighter) regs vvV


Vvv 6 (Widow Red Berry Cheese Bake) x (Gamian x Blueberry) x (BigYield x Mi5) auto regs vvV


I am considering starting another Take / Leave seeds thread. Pretty fundamental rules that are fair for everyone. An example would be seed quantities. If you are leaving a strain of regular seeds the minimum to leave would be 10 regular seeds. Feminized seeds would be a minimum of 5 seeds. I mean really with regular seeds starting out you have a 50% chance of a reg seed being a boy and 50% it’s a girl so if you got all 10 to sprout you stand a good chance of finding at least one girl and maybe enough to choose your favorite to grow out. What do ya’ll think?


I like the idea. Grinds my gears when people scoop up my 13+ pack, then take apart a fem pack to give 3 at a time. Call me petty, but I look at what is left and pack the flip accordingly.

From @Gato

Vvv 2 Guptilla Kush regs and 2 (GSC x Long Bottom Fighter) regs vvV


Vvv 6 (Widow Red Berry Cheese Bake) x (Gamian x Blueberry) x (BigYield x Mi5) auto regs vvV


There’s a minimum way up at the top of the thread, and I agree things aren’t evenly traded. I don’t worry about it, but if you start another thread I would prefer the higher numbers you suggest, and I would love if you made it mandatory for people to state how many seeds it is. Something I might like to try on a whim is fine in 3 fem seeds, but if I’m wanting it because I’d like to breed it, especially from regs, I really want to know how many I’m getting because I need a lot more.


Yeah, and maybe put reg or f, auto or photo on every one would maybe help too. Right now most people put when they are fems or autos, so it is maybe assumed all others are regs, but it’s not the case every time.


Still up☝️

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I apologize for breaking the rules, it wasn’t my intention. I was hoping someone was looking the seeds I put up I guess not. I bought them from an auction on here and was planning on sending them to someone who’d actually grow them in the near future.

New offer

Vvv 5 bubba kush fem photo vvV


I’ll take those at @Gato and leave
Vvvv City Slicker reg ( gelato #33 x Stardawg) 10 pack vvvV


I feel a limit should be put on how many times a strain can be offered. I could use a good female strain and pollinate it with a good male and make a ton of seeds. Then I could trade these same seeds unlimited times to grow my vault exponentially.


Maybe how many times it can be traded each month :man_shrugging:t3:


I agree. People are taking full packs and then offering up a lot less. Regs should be at least 8 and preferably 10. I’m fine with 3 fems minimum.

Offering up a whopping 4 reg photo beans with no provenance, stops the thread in it’s tracks and doesn’t really say “pay it forward”.