Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I’m ok with that healing itself. What I mean is if the pack has been put up too many times it will stall out in front of all of us. I’d also point out that recently I picked up the LoJack offering,that was listed a bunch before I could snag one…would not want a limit, to stop opportunity.
But maybe we should come up with a defacto “up too long” timeframe…so if it does stall it can be jumpstarted again.


Agreed! I think a “stall out” maximum would be great. It would reduce the amount of unhappy people disagreeing about how long was okay, and would inherently create a “stop” when seeds have saturated the “market” (I for instance quit posting my ZE when it stopped getting snapped up. I’ve got over a thousand left though.) New people coming in would still get a chance at things because they would be relisted some, and no one would have to count the number of past listings.

I would also love to have all known provenance stated. For example, when I see Zamaldelica Express listed, are they mine or Cbizzle’s? If they’re not, I would want to pick them up for breeding.

A photo could be used to show most of the info and might be easier than typing for some folks.


That was a lot to catch up on. I am just checking to see if people do not wish I leave anymore LoJacks? Which is totally fine! I was given an incredible generous amount I will never grow out all of them in my life time. Figured this thread would be the best to spread those seeds around.

Still up from @Vegabom
Vvvv City Slicker reg ( gelato #33 x Stardawg) 10 pack vvvV


I received some Zamaldelica express f5 from you here and completed an open pollination and have shared some of mine here .


That’s awesome!! :heart_eyes: hope they were good for you. :smiley: Don’t want to clutter up this thread, I’ll tag you in my journal if you’d like to tell more I’d love to hear :smiley:


@Vegabom … Bro let me grab that city slicker​:+1::heart::+1:

I’ll replace it with VvVv Truffleatti x Fearless gas vvvVV…10 pack regs


I agree, proper rules for how to trade would make it go smoother. If we could come up with these ‘rules’ we could maybe have a sticky on top of the thread which everyone has to read first

Still up from @sd9007
VvVv Truffleatti x Fearless gas vvvVV…10 pack regs


It’s ok. I would have grabbed those but he just sent me them, lol. I do have 2 Tom Hill Hazes up and running outside that I got from this thread. I think that’s a 16 week flower…but anyway…even if they don’t finish this season, they will sex and I can take a cut and be more prepared for an outdoor run next season. If these types of offerings were limited to the landrace thread then I’d be out of luck because I’d have nothing to leave. I’ve picked up 3-4 long run strains on this thread…and my erawan thai came with a nice squirrell tail thai bonus.
It’s all good. :slight_smile:


Still up from @sd9007
VvVv Truffleatti x Fearless gas vvvVV…10 pack regs

1 Like

Me too! :slight_smile:


Fantastic terps , hard for me to put my finger on what exactly the sweet fruity smells are but I more or less wanted to create more regs just to do some work with them at some point.


That’s exactly what happened to me! That girl started to put out the smell and it was so amazing I had to have seeds :rofl:


I grew Hubbabubbasmelloscope ,double grape and the Zamaldelica express and I thought the express was the best in terps and vigor.


you make a good point, this is a great place to just find partners to trade. a few folks contacted me after posting a couple strains a few times. it seems like its working out well that way too.

i do a sativa run each year, but i lose a whole harvest going past about 15 or 16 weeks. i’m sitting on some AG red stem x Punto Rojo, but the 18+ weeks isn’t going to work this year. I wish i had more room…doesn’t everyone though.


Ok… I got some unfortunate news yesterday that some of my packs arrived DOA :weary:… please let me know if you got my trades…

Me when Brothers Grimm still had sales Vvv

I had got 2 packs of Grimm Mints for $12.50, so I offer a full pack…and how do the Grimm gods reward me? Literally the next 24 hours…

And testers increase from $25 to $33, and no more half price sales…

Also some ppl knocking gifting 3 seeds… I agree, but if they are seeds you bought with your own money, of course we are gonna offer fewer compared to someone with hundreds or thousands of seeds produced over a few months… Sure, we all love them, but a few fem seeds from a reputable breeder, straight from the source can 5x-10x ?x their value the longer you hold them, or get stable genetics compared to others (not all of course, many great Breeders find great success by sharing their work…

I say Fem from original breeder 3-5… Reg 5-10 (bought)

And stuff you have S1’s F1’s you made yourself or gifted Fem 5-10 Reg 10-15+ all depending on how stable those seeds are…



This is the current offer right now @Kyleromero94


Crap, there’s a lot of talk on here and people aren’t putting the offering up at times, I got confused lol

I’ll replace it with VvVv Truffleatti x Fearless gas vvvVV…10 pack regs


Sorry bro, that was an old offer… I wish I stocked up… almost did


Bump bump…sorry

No sweat bro!! You put up some fire, I just had an itchy trigger finger lol