Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

VVV Mountain Temple x 7 Hills VVV


hahahaha! this one is good guys :slight_smile:

vvv Mountain Temple x 7 Hills vvv


I’m prepared as can be… kinda sad it only took 5 mins to decide “sorry, try again next time” just because of a few ppl talking in the background about a first timer… making threads “how to NOT ship seeds” … others making it political about me not respecting ppl who make copy of seeds or crosses and distribute them… which I never said…


Did you receive the seeds I sent you by chance? 1 of 2 I still have not heard from…

No sign of the seeds you said were sent on Monday the 5th. Someone else sent at the same time from across the country that made it last week. You really never know about the postal service though so i wait. I’ll let you know when i know something @Kon.

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I sent out package with standard ground and was meant to go to the east coast. Was notified package hasnt arrived and it decided to stop for a visit in California. Keep in mind this package came from the Midwest :joy::rofl:

Package is heading in the right direction now, thankfully! Post office can be a pain.

Still Up From @willie
VVV Mt. Temple x 7 HillsVVV


I link up with my safe addy every Friday, so Im not sure if he has them or not. As of last Friday, 8-9, he did not have them.

It’s been 13 days since I asked for them.
When did you send them out?

Still up from @willie
Vvv Mt. Temple x 7 hills vvV

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@willie i will take those mt temple x 7 hills

and leave

vv.VV anicent og x gg4 x ssdd VV vv.

10 photo regs.


vvVV 5 pack of white head cheese photo regs.VVvv


I will take those @mainerJ
And leave two packs for one person of Copa Genetics BanHam regular seeds. Original package!

Vvv BanHam 10 regular seeds vvV


what pack should i send? please choose.

all good got your pm

still up from @JonPott

Vvv BanHam 10 reg seeds vvV


I sent them last Monday, so the 5th… at this time I told myself I’d trade during the week and ship Mondays, but since I know I owe, and I’m late, I will ship friday and monday

But yeah, USPS has been a pain… The package I recieved earlier today was supposed to be here Monday…

I just want to give a big TY to all those who have been understanding and offered support… I’m not the type to ask for help when I need it, but for a stranger to offer so much, just so many good eggs in this community, and it’s that reason people should not worry about me, because I’m not gonna let them vouch for a scammer… I feel like Nicolas Cage in Con Air “I’m gonna show you god does exist!” Just not as cool… lol

Pls let me know when you get it…


I’ll take the Banham, @JonPott I’ll leave a flip of
Vvvvvv BBHP fast flowering or chem soda ogee fast flowering vvvvvv


I agree, it has been really slow.

I will let you know. I doubt I will meet up with him tomorrow, he is going out of town to the nascar race up in Michigan.
I will probably drive to his house this weekend and see what letters he has for me.

And thanks for coming back to explain what’s going on.

Still up from @Orbitalnutria420
Vvv BBHP fast flowering or chem soda ogee fast flowering vvV


@Kon beans have indeed landed safely bub!


Awesome awesome!


Hurray for redemption!!! :partying_face:

Still up from @Orbitalnutria420
Vvv BBHP fast flowering or chem soda ogee fast flowering vvV


Those my limited edition pucks btw… 1 of 1 :smiley:


is that a condom?


What ever it is! It worked and seeds arrived safely :blush:

Still up from @Orbitalnutria420
Vvv BBHP fast flowering or chem soda ogee fast flowering vvV


Looks like a cut water bottle cap, if it works it works :call_me_hand: