Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I’m sure I don’t know. Plus obviously no one has to listen to me as I’m just a nobody and not really involved :thinking: I just like interjecting when I have an opinion. ESPECIALLY if I don’t know all the facts :muscle:t2:


But as a year and a half long member, your opinion is valid so i value it.


It’s all good… I know my intentions… I know I am shipping out the 3rd batch Friday, so I figured I’d allow myself to a few more trades… my second batch of trades have made it…at least those that let me know… I’m someone just starting out, replacements being shipped out friday… I myself have not received some trades, and gotten partial crushed seeds, but I know I have no room to complain, so I just let them pass… unless it keeps happening


I appreciate that! And if I’ve been here for a year and a half, that means I’m coming up on my two year growaversary!

@Kon did you ever get shipping supplies figured out to avoid the serial crushings? I’ll send you a handful of pucks if you want


Thank you for understanding. I appreciate your maturity and good attitude. It will get you respect from many members, and in time the seeds on OverGrow will flow to you like water.

So these are up:
Vvvv 10 Silver Mountain x Blueberry HP reg. vvvV


Idk… @resimax ? Have I reached out to you, and did I not already replace half your trades? (Since it was all I had at the time, and wouldn’t risk the full order anyways till I got washers…

I got everything I need now… but guess it’s up to anonymous votes… I myself didnt allow myself to trade for the past 2 weeks, until today, because I finally started getting word of 2nd batch showing and 3rd batch coming up… all I need now is those autos to 1 person…I’m sorry yours will take a little longer, @gato they were freebies, unless you would take BGS gear or cash



I will take the Silver Mountain x Blueberry Hashplant and leave Vvvvv Bodhi Blueberry HP f2 regs vvvvv


Thank you for accepting my denial of seeds to you.

@Cannaology is leaving:
Vvvvv Bodhi Blueberry HP f2 regs vvvvv


You can take your time brother, I was more worried about your silence. I don’t need to feel rushed or anything but just a heads up would be nice.


I believe that you are going to make things right @Kon.
I just want to see the proof first. Ya know walk before you run type thing. If you were shady I don’t think you would be here owning up to your actions. You seem like the kind of person I would like to deal with and I mean no disrespect to you on a personal level. :v:

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I’ll kindly take these and leave half pack of
Vvvv (Strawberry Diesel x Spacedude)x Awoken Dragon vvvV (Regs) and a full pack of Vvvv White Widow mystery cross vvvV (Regs)


I will take these @OnePassionateGrower

And leave some Metal Haze F4 Copa Genetics and a 10pack of LoJack. All for one person.

Vvv Metal Haze F4 5 reg seeds & LoJack 10 Reg seeds vvV


i’ve missed all the coop releases since i joint. Do you know when the sign up is happening?


I’ll take those metal haze and lojacks and leave
VVV Mt. Temple x 7 HillsVVV


@splinter7 the Silver Mountain sign up happened weeks ago and is full and now closed.

Check the Seed run Co-op section for current strains.
I know Black Lotus, Shishkaberry and Butterscotch x SSDD sign ups are now open.

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i watched that thread for months and never saw a sign up. didn’t it fail at some point?


This is just my opinion so take it for what it’s worth @Kon but don’t you think you should quit taking more seeds until you’ve replaced all the seeds you sent that got crushed or didn’t arrive? I mean you’re already in the hole and wanting to make it deeper. Settle up with everyone and then pick up where you left off.

From @willie
VVV Mt. Temple x 7 HillsVVV


@JonPott let me know when you’re getting ready to list more LoJack and Metal Haze if you please. :sunglasses: :wink:

From @willie
VVV Mt. Temple x 7 HillsVVV


Sent you a message about this!

From @willie
VVV Mt. Temple x 7 HillsVVV


Not sure if this will help anyone at all but hoping it does. I dedicated a small shoebox a while back to OG and Mail Sending. I’m sure there are more organized OGers out there but it helps being prepared ,trust me I wasn’t at first. :pray:t2:

Still Up From @willie
VVV Mt. Temple x 7 HillsVVV