Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

Ill take the autos from @Billybob

And leave a flip of

Vvvvvv sherbanger x purple punch Vvvvvv

take note :wink: those autos are not from me, they are from @Billybob

from @Billybob
5 fem auto seeds of each cross vvv
Banana purple punch f2
Banana purple punch X strawberry gorilla
Banana purple punch X zamadelica express vvv

Vvvvvv sherbanger x purple punch Vvvvvv

Just an update.
I received the seeds from @Kon .
It looks like he sent them out in a timely manner.

Hopefully he is no longer on double secret probation and can freely trade with the rest of us.

Thanks @Kon

Still up from @Drsunshinestrains

Vvvv sheerbanger x purple punch vvvV


He never was, he was on the person who sends dust, and doesn’t protect seeds when shipping list. I still don’t see a washer. I feel you got lucky. He hasn’t reached out to me, or my dude @resimax . He needs to learn to ship beans in pucks or flips with washers. No loose seeds. And a bunch of unnecessary taped cardboard and glue. Simple flip and washer and card or puck. People basically give em away.


Still up people!

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Oh, my bad.

I thought I remember seeing a poll for him to not be allowed to trade. .

These did in fact come in a puck. I removed them for the picture.

I would have said if it was an unacceptable method of shipping.

Still up from @Drsunshinestrains

Vvv sherbanger x purple punch vvV


That’s good he is sending them out that way now. Hopefully he pays the people back he messed over. And yes it was wrong, only because it was not posted with a pic of a puck. Glad you got your seeds.


These are up people

So am I.

Hopefully @Kon makes things right with you and @resimax

I was just joking about the double secret probation comment. I didn’t mean anything by it.

Still up from @Drsunshinestrains

Vvv sherbanger x purple punch vvV


Thanks man ya no problem, joking is fine. Txt comes across wierd sometimes… any ways still up

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That was imo, a temporary thing. Because i wanted to get other folks’ opinion, i put up a poll.
Then a few days later i deleted it, because @Kon has shown he is in the process of making it right with members in this thread.
And each person should decide themselves, who they want to trade with.


I appreciate you. Thanks again.

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No problem man. Enjoy them

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Let’s get back to take/leaving seeds…

I will take those @Drsunshinestrains
And leaves BOTH packs for ONE person. Blue Star seed Co.

3x fem Blueberry Lemon shake up (unopened)
3x fem Lemon Pound cake x BS (opened)

Vvv vvV


I’ll take these and leave
Auto fems
How about 5 fog dogs
Andddd 5 scarlet dogs to match the generosity !

Vvvvv5fog dog auto fems & 5 Scarlet dog auto fems Vvvv


I’ll take these and
leave a pack of vvVV Shiskaberry vvVV


I’ll take the shiskaberry and leave

Vvvvvvvv queens banner s1 autoflower vvvvvv


@OG619 thanks so much, very generous of you!

Vvvvvvvv queens banner s1 autoflower vvvvvv


@djtrip thanks bro!!!

@LoveDaAutos thank u too!!!


Mind the format of the thread, little buddy.

Vvvvvvvv queens banner s1 autoflower vvvvvv

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