Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I’ll claim the DJ Shorts Blueberry F6’s and leave
Vvvvv 10 Hibred/Hawaiiangrasshoppergenetics Mango Stars ( Star Pupil x Hawaiian Mango Smoothie)vvvvV


Well, the problem is that few members write in the feedback threads. I try to write, but many times for being in a hurry or “later I will do it” or anyother reason, I did not write, and this can be extended to all OG.

I always (perhaps I forgot one or two times, sorry) write a DM to the person informing that they landed (when receiving).

Also, with the feedback thread, I have done many giveaways, and only a couple people write on my feedback. Many forgot to tell me that the seeds landed till I write them a DM, and so on…
Ending, feedback is good is there is use of it, if not it could lead to mistakes.

So many people on here have attacked me with insults, and spread lies about me…and never has their posts been deleted…

Why was mine deleted? It only makes me look worse than anything that I actually said, RIGHT before Resimax replied about his illness…

Earlier today, one of my posts was just deleted for mentioning a former President… no breadcrumbs left behind, just removed… Why couldn’t this be done to that one also?

Was this resimax issue known within the community or is it something he is just now sharing?

And about my trading… How about we use some critical thinking here? If I truly wanted to scam people, I would offer MORE, or Better seeds than the same BGS over and over, which some people let it be known… Sad, because most of my good deeds arnt public, and I’m not one to donate to charity and announce it to the world, I just do it because that’s who I am…

I have made some good bonds with people, which is why this hurts… I had already stopped trading for the last few days now, so don’t get the silly trade parade at the end when I announced stopping… I’m doing it because there is no point… no matter how much proof I post and how many people vouch for me, people will still believe the lies, or recieve my seeds, but see it as an easy way to score more seeds…

If people are gonna complain over any little thing that isn’t “standard”, then it’s never gonna work…

Who else had trouble with a staple separating the seeds in the baggies?

I’m still here facing the fire, because I have nothing to hide…leak my DMs! Ask me for proof! I’m right here, just not participating till this is fixed. But not going anywhere

“He’s taking all the seeds!” Why didn’t you grab them? It’s equally fair to everyone… I’ve gotten seeds within the first 3 mins maybe 3 times, unless it was an interesting pack right after I left my offer and they also get picked fast… so many others do the same

If you’re still willing to trade with me, DM me… if you have gotten seeds from me, please let it be known here in public… I have a record of every trade written down along with many pictures…

Thank you!


Can we please just stick to cannabis and being nice to each other, like it used to be on here?


Vvvvv 10 Hibred/Hawaiiangrasshoppergenetics Mango Stars ( Star Pupil x Hawaiian Mango Smoothie)vvvvV


The above statement you yourself made just yesterday I’m guessing is the reason nobody wants you participating in this give / take thread. You seem to have mastered the take part but not so much on the give part. I am not passing judgement just making an observation. Best thing you can do is set up a trade feedback thread and do some trades in PMs one on one with members and upon successful completion of these trades ask the other party to leave you feedback.

Still up:


Vvvvv 10 Hibred/Hawaiiangrasshoppergenetics Mango Stars ( Star Pupil x Hawaiian Mango Smoothie)vvvvV


Only because there was a “politician” mentioned. OG doesn’t want any political posts at all.

Folks often forget to tell me when seeds i sent have reached them. So after a couple weeks i DM them to ask.

Still up from @Sodapop
Vvvvv 10 Hibred/Hawaiiangrasshoppergenetics Mango Stars ( Star Pupil x Hawaiian Mango Smoothie) vvvvV


I will take those @Sodapop

And leave 10 regular seeds of Humboldt CSI Hawaiian Lites F2.

Vvv Hawaiian Lites F2 vvV


Ill take those and leave

Berger bubba cut x bubba(barefrog) and golden hp f2. Reg photo 12+ each :slight_smile:


I’d like these please.

And leave
Vvvv 10 Panama Red X Durban P. x S. African bush REG. - by elpolloloco vvvV


I’ll take these and leave
Vvvv 10 Mahalogrows Jack’d (Dozer x Jack Herer) vvvvV


You just don’t know when to stop champ. This is not even about smashed seeds anymore, its about your gimme gimme, mine are better than yours, im doing you guys a favor, everybody gets a trophie generation bullshit you bring with you. There is an air of disrespect and demand that follows you like a foul cloud.

Even after you were asked to stop trading until you made shit right with EVERYONE that was effected by your poor shipping methods, you took it upon yourself to jump back in. You send 2 strains that got mixed up in transport. I would toss them too.

You look like a child throwing a temper tantrum each time you write a novel defending your actions. The request was simple. Make it right, then resume. You chose to make it half ok, then sling seeds like there will be none left in a week.

Your actions, attitude, and lack of concern keep me and others from trading. 20+ trades when you said you were leaving, yet here you are back again.

If i were you I’d change my account, my seed line up, and my fucking attitude. After i made the failed trades right.



Understood, and will do! … critical thinker here…

1 Like

Can i ?.. :palm_down_hand:

No, I’d like someone else to have them, but the old world pack should be on its way! I dropped it in the box the day after you sent your addy.

Still up
Vvvvv 10 Jack’d regs vvvvV


Well said @Cannabiscrusader. I have him on ignore because I am not wasting any more of my valuable energy even trying with that attitude. I hope you all are doing well out there.

Vvvv @Sodapop is up with some Jack’d regulars Vvvv


And dont worry recent traders… your seeds still going out today…

Vv jacked hererV


Fuck dude, read the room
Vvvv 10 Mahalogrows Jack’d (Dozer x Jack Herer) vvvvV


Btw… this is how i separate 2 strains in 1 bag to fit nicely in a washer… would you fumble these? … these are 4 + 4… I sent him 3 3, so would be even more secure… plus the Junky99 are twice as big… the gas lighting is insane…

Upside down…

Vvvjackd herervvv