Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

still up for grabs

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I have been having a pretty good time on this thread. I think it’s time to develop a set of official rules here for participation on this thread.
One change I’ll throw out is that new members can play but they have to have their shipment confirmed before they take another. It’s unlikely that newbies even have the seeds to play on this thread. We can do this via a group private message I think. Maybe time to do this when viewing recent vulnerabilities.

That said I thank all of you who did send to me. I’ve gotten quite a few beans here.

Anybody wants in on the group message hit me up.


Still up from @djtrip

I don’t know about a group dm, just another feature I’ll have to learn about. Plus seems overly complicated. The Feedback thread and this one should be closer intertwined somehow. @LemonadeJoe I created a Feedback thread recently now that I’m participating in these trades, but I think they should be created automatically once you start taking part in this thread or those similar. It would give everyone a place to vent there frustrations on a specific member without clogging up the threads with the back n forth. That specific member can then handle any complaints there and fix them as well, if he intends to. @willie

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip

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ugh…yeah, we already have all that. How’z it working for you? How did it stop Con?

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip


If anyone has traded with me in the past please put your feedback here https://overgrow.com/t/gatos-trading-feedback/161860?u=gato thank you

Still up


That’s what I’m saying we have everything in place it just needs to be re-worked a little to be more effective. Cause the way it’s setup now isn’t too efficient. Most don’t use it or probably even know it exists. That’s why I think if they can integrate it more with the trading posts it’ll be more effective. Kind of like how they do with those Wiki things. @willie

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip


Jerks will find ways but what about new traders have a sponsor? Just brain storming.
I was attracted to the trade post when I first found OG, but I waited a couple months because I wanted to see how it operated before I got involved. I had read up on shipping practices but it was extremely important to me to show you all proper respect by coming correct.
My first bird was a bubble mailer. The second one I needed to ship to an international growmie. This kind soul helped walk me through the how to and keep costs down. My cardboard mailer would have been 28+. His method was 3.66. Food for thought. :v:


Nothing to learn bud. When you make a DM you normally add the person you want to DM but you can add multiple people which creates a group DM.

Perhaps all you folks trading back and forth here can agree to make a rule that states you can only do 1 trade at a time and are not eligible to take again until it is reported here that the trade was fulfilled. So for example member A leaves an offering, member B accepts that offering and leaves their offering. Member B reports that they received seeds from member A. Now member A is free to take again. Just a thought. :v:

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip


That’s not really workable. Example…it doesn’t work now . Or go ahead and do what’s needed for it to work, and then get back to us. Wishing it worked is not getting it done.
Old saying about wishing…

You can wish in one had and shit in the other and tell us which hand fills up first. :smiley:

Like "I wish my beans from @kon would show up in one hand but my other hand is getting heavy.

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip


Still up. Got replacements from kon. But nonetheless. He has proven whom he was and what has been done. Attacked @resimax , me. Others. This user is worth the dust initially he sent more beans
But i dont trust them. I suggest if you all get replacements you throw them in the toilet like myself. Cant flush the sender but i can flush my mistrust in these beans.

@Kon , i never asked for a replacement. The beans landed intact thank you… Better method this time. I appreciate the gesture. But the constant attacks on me and @resimax have shown who you really are. Aswell as whom youve made yourself out to be here.


I also don’t think it would work.

For example, I asked for seeds on here. The person sending them lives in Thailand. It took five months for it to get to me according to the postmark on the envelope.


Still up from @djtrip
VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV


I’ve had people try to send me seeds from Thailand 2x and they’ve always been intercepted but have come within 2 weeks, that’s too funny. Happy you got yours eventually man!!

Still up


I can’t even ship to Thailand from here. I tried to send someone beans from here and the post office said they not sending there. I’m still trying to figure out how I’m a get him his beans. Might need to send to one of you guys in the states that wouldn’t mind relaying them to him, someone trustworthy…

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip


Just wanted to post that I got @Kon beans.


I would be willing to facilitate a trade to Thailand for you @ManyManySpliffs. Toss it in the pack your sending my way. I have a suspicion its my mailing mentor in SEA.
Still up @djtrip Vvv Trop cherry x Mexican Vvv


Okay I appreciate the offer. @Strikingviking I just have to get the all clear from @Tlander and we’re all good. Don’t want to give out someone’s info without their permission. So @Tlander is this acceptable for you. Told you I’d work it out one way or the other bud.

Still up VvVV Tropicanna Cherry # 8 x Mexican regs VvVV @djtrip


I will take those @djtrip

Shout out to @willie , your seeds arrived and with an unexpected extra! Thank you! (If we discussed about the extra my apologies as getting a KG set up for school is chaotic)

Shout out to @Hashton_Kusha , your seeds arrived in an amazing optimus prime seed holder!

I will leave BOTH for ONE person…

3x fem Pineapple Chunk : barneys farm
8x reg. LoJacks (Jack Herer 10k Cut x Snow Lotus)

Vvv vvV


Sorry to claim but the LoJack is too good

Vvvvv 12 White Rhino regs vvvV