Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I take the slaphammer

I add
Vvvv Blavender glue x sour biker vvvV


:thinking: I think limiting the offers to a single offer at a time is too linear and limiting. The purpose of surrounding your offers with a pattern of unique vvVvv’s is so that multiple offers can be made available at once… vvv is easily distinguishable from VVV or vVvvv… if someone wants to they can come in with 10 separate offers-- And that is fully legit. And if there are 20 offers on the table and one sits there for 2 weeks… that is legit too.

But the gist of the thread is also “Take one, leave one” and not “come in and take everything being offered and leave only one”… that is what undermined these types of threads at the shroomery.

In summation:

  • Offer as many as you want.
  • surround each unique offer in a unique array of vvv’s to distinguish each separate offer.
  • Take one offer-> offer one in return.

Would be a lot easier if each offering was just numbered rather than v’d.


In online gaming, cheating gamers have names like this I|||II|II||Illl|lI|I so noone will be able to report them accurately.

Vvvv Blavender glue x sour biker vvvV


I’ll take

and leave

Vvvv 10 of Spencer’s Gift; 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


I’ll take those @Scarlyle

And leave

Vvvv Planet of the grapes :grapes: X velvet skies R1 vvvV


Unless ya’ll are in a race to take and give away seeds why is there a need to offer multiple strains at once. It seems to me when it happened yesterday some people, including me, were confused in how to proceed.

From @matos420
Vvvv Planet of the grapes x velvet skies R1 vvvV


These are calling my name so I have to grab them. I am leaving behind:

Vvvv Cookies -N- Chem S1 vvvV


I agree. This was like a nice easy country store and you’ll want to turn it into a
super walmart! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

still up from @LoveDaAutos
Vvvv Cookies -N- Chem S1 vvvV


I’ll take @LoveDaAutos Cookies -N- Chem S1 and leave

Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


Send me your mailing info ASAP @Scarlyle and I will get these mailed off today when I run to town and the Post Office.

From @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


Perhaps a separate thread for those with more skill at unique Vv patterns and multiple active offers could be created.

I wouldn’t be up for browsing a more complicated one regularly, sounds too tricky and I feel so bad if I mess things up.

My 2 cents is, this is great, it’s simple enough that it’s kept on rolling through quite a few bumps in the road. If you go back to the beginning of the thread, it was a really rocky start getting this going here where half the people trying to do it are probably stoned. :laughing::green_heart:

I think I’ve got these already, so leaving for others✌️:

From @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


There already are threads for members who want to give away seeds and ask for nothing in return.


From @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


There already are threads for members who want to give away seeds and ask for nothing in return

This thread started by someone giving away a pack of Cannabiogen Hashfruit Regs without asking for anything in return. There is not a requirement to take seeds. Furthermore, the topic originator @PsillyRabbit was clear when stating:

The way these threads use to work is it would just sit there until someone takes it. Who cares if its 4 hours or 4 days or 4 weeks. You can always just add more seeds on to the offer to make it more appealing. You dont always have to receive seeds. Sometime you just leave a penny…
Honestly I tried to delete this thread. The bulk majority of you dont seem to have enough couth to let this run smooth. The last 5 of you couldn’t even follow one of the only rules.

In my opinion having just one offer available at once makes for a feeding frenzy when perceived “good” genetics are offered, and it’s usually the same few who hawk this thread gobbling them up FOMO style. I would like there to be more abundant opportunity for other members who may not be afforded the luxury to camp out in this thread like some others do. Personally, I’d much rather seeds I offer go to someone who hasn’t already taken 40+ packs from this thread. I’d much rather them go to someone who places more inherent value on them in the immediate future.

Members too focused on taking that they can’t even keep up with the dialogue of the thread, it’s embarrassing. Having more offers to choose from is living in abundance. Many blessings and much love

Still up from @Scarlyle

Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


Jesus Christ, you guys. Keep it like it was. stop fixing shit that isn’t broken.

Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


im just gonna let yall hash this out. I dont wanna start reading back to play lawyer. I did make the OP but this kinda thread goes back a long time. I cant even find the original one I based this off of from the shroomery over 20 years ago.

.— "@shroomery.org


  • THE #1 RULE: READ ALL of THE fucking following RULES of this thread, and rules of the Marketplace before proceeding to participate in this thread. Adhere to these rules strictly. If you see someone not following the rules, it is your responsibility to direct them to this post. Do not cite the rules, attempt to explain the rules to them, or reason with them. Make them read it themselves. All of it! If they can’t follow the rules, report their post.
    :sorry: but, it has to be this way. Great threads have been destroyed by lack of rules.
    Additionally, here is some good advice on how to conduct business in this forum.

  • Do not post if you have nothing to give. This is not a thread for beggars. Do not offer anything which you do not currently possess. If the swab (set) is not ready to be sent immediately, do not offer it, and do not claim another. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

  • You must take what is offered. This is not a request thread. Beggars can’t be choosers. Did I mention this thread is not for beggars? :strokebeard: Pardon the expression.

  • This thread is open to everyone (except where prohibited by law), and the sender must cover all postage costs. Be sure to specify (domestic only) or (international) in your description. If you claim internationally, please try to return the favor and post yours internationally as well. Typically, it is best to send prints in a discreet, well packaged envelope using a Forever stamp to ensure adequate postage. "

Still up from @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


It was hard enough to track one at a time let alone multiple offers all coded with different sets of VvvvVV. Let it ride, one at a time.

Still up from @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


Haha these are turning into Monopoly house rules. Whatever the rules I’ll play the game - waiting for the haze to finish and watching along. Everything’s in the mail.

Still up from @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 Northern Lights x Super Crystal vvvV


It’s not difficult at all you click the link on the bottom right of the post if it’s still in view or click the up arrow on the quoted link in a post if it’s not in view to take you directly to the post.

It takes a few seconds to add another quote to your post. Nothing should be getting lost in the sauce as long as you’re all patient.

With that i’ll take @Scarlyle’s pre 2005 NL x SC

and leave

vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv

Edit: US only.


Okay, there’s going to be 20 more posts with people explaining their take on this. I’ll just unfollow for a week or so until the banter is less frequent.

still up from @sober