Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I really like the way this thread has been going and my opinion is should stay with 1 pack to cut down on confusion. There has been some real nice packs offered that get scarfed up quick. Would it be appropriate if someone post a desirable pack and you miss it than you post asking to be tagged if they offer up again or go to the seed trading thread and ask for what you want and offer your available packs you have to trade and tag person you know has or had it?
Still up
vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv


I think I need to wait till the dust settles like @tresbundles said. Unless I see something I can’t live without I’ll just follow along hoping everything stays civil.

From @sober
vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv


It’d be fine to make a post asking to be tagged as long as you quote the pucks that are still available as that keeps everything going smoothly and stays on topic on the bottom of your post.

Still available:


It would be nice to get all participants to understand the importance of ending their post with this.

From @sober
vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv


Sorry about that!

From @sober
vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv


Apologies @TopShelfTrees1 for the faulty mention earlier.

I wanted to sit and watch. You have single handedly made @CanuckistanPete s beans get skipped not just a few turns but 11 times until it finally got picked up. In my opinion I wouldn’t have liked that to happen to me. I like the beans I make and I take pride in my hunt that took years to create.

You wanted to feel some sense of cruel satisfaction having felt embarrassed about me calling you out for being so selfish. I hope it’s enjoyable for you. Who cares if it’s 11 times they’re skipped over, I thought the point is getting the seeds to someone who finds value in them. The Warped Shiska was only up for 6 hours, some members only log onto this site once a week.

Most members have no chance at a lot of these excellent genetics being shared when the likes of you are hawking them within moments. And if an offer you don’t like stays up for an hour or so, you urge others to take them so new offers will begin because you are here to just take take take! How do you think those members feel, you’re trying to speed up their gift of giving for your own selfish interests!

I noticed instances where you would go as far as typing a quick “I’ll take these” type of comment so you could have your comment submitted first and then afterwards edit to include a more proper reply with what you’re actually leaving. I found that distasteful and you’ve done it on multiple occasions. To me, that’s not the spirit of paying it forward. That’s some shenanigans, besting out fellow community members in such fashion considering you’ve mentioned the rules so much. All comments must include the latest offers. When you simply write “I’ll take these” it shows you only care about things as long as they are self serving to you.

That’s all. Simple. It must not feel nice to have your seeds just get pushed down the list like that …

I view this much differently. Just because something isn’t taken within moments doesn’t mean that it’s any less interesting or desirable. I would hope others would first consider the possibly and reality that some members of the community might only visit the forum infrequently. They aren’t all as obsessive as we are on these threads. I would much rather something I offer stay up for a month until it finally went to someone who would really like to find usefulness out of it compared to someone taking it quickly just to add to their collection.

I say that as someone who enjoys collecting seeds. It’s one of my favorite things.

To me the idea of paying it forward is to create helpful opportunities for others. I don’t view this thread as a place to grow my seed collection. I view it as a place to take things when needed. For things to be available for those who may need them. Perhaps I’m looking too deeply into the meaning of this thread.

I’m about going with the flow so if the majority here like the one at a time who am into keep them from their joy.

This has all been helpful to observe. Many blessings and much love

Still up from @sober

vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv


And now back to our regularly scheduled programing!

From @sober

vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv


That’s pretty condescending of you. Others can say their piece but I can’t reply?

I could say the same about your comment not taking or leaving. Now back to scheduled programing. Grow up.

Still up from @sober

vvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvv



From @sober

Vvvv Bye-Ya x Miles Ahead vvvV



I’ll take these kind sir @sober

Later today there will be a pretty big give away by me hosted by @blowdout2269 and I hope to see every body there :grin::call_me_hand:t2:

I’m hoping to be able to do this considering I’ll be ramping up my preservation runs 24/7.

And drop my

Vvvvv Milk N Cookies #9 vvvvvV

Here is a long description for the visual learners

The milk and cookies #9 presents a distinctive olfactory profile, characterized by overtones reminiscent of pancake dough intertwined with hints of underripe banana peels. Notably, a green pheno variation emerges without the typical appearance of nanners. This variant exhibits a slower finishing process the other sisters accompanied by a notable juicy stickiness. Interestingly, purple bats encircling the flower’s crown, adding to its visual allure. Beyond its aromatic and physical attributes, the high induced by milk and cookies is described as spacey and relaxing, offering relief from anxiety and uneasiness while fostering focus and easing overthinking tendencies. Overall, this strain delivers a multifaceted experience that engages the senses and promotes a sense of well-being.

Vvvv Milk N Cookies #9 vvvV

shipping is worldwide of course and always.



I will take Milk N Cookies #9 and leave Vvvv Bodhi BBHP F2 regs vvvV


@SubzeroIceKold I’ll take those matey and leave vvvv peanut butter breathe X gorilla breath X zamadelica 10 regs. Vvvv


@Cannaology beat ya by mere seconds @Billybob


I believe I will go ahead and take those @Cannaology and will leave behind:

I too ship worldwide with the exception of the following countries.

  • Cuba (BIS)
  • Iran (OFAC)
  • North Korea (BIS)
  • Sudan (OFAC)
  • Syria (BIS)

VVV Lemon Pie auto x Girl Scout Cookies photo…fem photo seeds VVV


Hahaha no worries matey

1 Like

Available from @LoveDaAutos

VVV Lemon Pie auto x Girl Scout Cookies photo…fem photo seeds VVV


@loveDaAutos hey matey I’ll take your cross . And I’ll leave Vvvv peanut butter breath X gorilla breath X zamadelica Vvv


Hey matey, I’ve got your envelope all packed and ready to go. I just need you to send me your mailing information.

From @Billybob

Vvvv peanut butter breath X gorilla breath X zamadelica Vvv


This thread is awesome for what it is. It started slowly with difficulty, but it got up to warp speed and was running very well. When the second offer came in all that did was fek things up, make it tough to follow and very,very obviously, the current offer of 'Two" could not be updated by the masses. That was clear.
I don’t have any issue with anyone grabbing beans as much as they want. It will all work out in the end. I don’t need any seeds to be honest, got more than I need. But I like variety and what’s in my gear is different than what’s in others…and there’s the draw for me. I think the “game” portion of it is fun.
It’s one of the hottest threads on “canna” internet right now.
So a couple of complainers…who are oddly complaining to benefit all these unknown netizens that are being hurt by this thread…puhleeeeeeeze. Just enjoy it and know that if anything really bad was happening we’d be hearing all about it by more than 2 people. It’s a good thing, if it’s not for you K-sara.

Vvvv peanut butter breath X gorilla breath X zamadelica Vvv


I’ll take these and leave
Vvvv Sowah Apple F2 reg vvvV