Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I believe she said these were Regular Autoflowers.

From @RainToday
Vvvv 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV


I thought so too. I was on the Night Owl site tonight and thought I had read it was only released as fems which is why I was asking.

From @RainToday
Vvvv 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV

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Hi guys, I want to find out who send me that…no name,no strain name either.

Please everyone…in the future leave your og nickname on it…as long as you put a fake return address.
Thanks for the seeds, but I’d really like know what’s in the coinflip.

Still up from @RainToday
Vvvv 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV


These are Auto Regs F5s !


Thank you @SubzeroIceKold much appreciated.

Yes, released limitedly in F4 regs. I made a heap of F5. @Cbizzle made some too. :slight_smile:

Vvvv reg auto - 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV


Thanks for trying to help me out but:

That’s weird…I wouldn’t put my hand up for auto’s…so can we find out who sent those?
It coule be so simple, maybe that needs to be added to the rules…at least the strain name!

Edit…I just realised that subzero explained the last strain still up…but I wanted to know who sent me the anonymous letter🫣🤷‍♂️???

Well it’s 9pm most folks don’t reply at this time. Better luck tomorrow.

Still up, speaking of rules don’t forget to put the last offer. @stiffy yourr forgetfulness is making me soft :joy:sorry punzzzzz


I will take v reg auto - 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) v and leave <<<< Orange Blossom Special F2 S1 >>>> Greenpoint 10 REGs


I’ll take the orange blossom special and leave

Vvvvvvvv queens banner s1 vvvvvvV


Thanks for looking over my shoulder, @SubzeroIceKold…I did indeed forget to mention the last strain up… So here it is:

From @Kyleromero94
Vvvv Queensland banner S1 vvvV

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I’ll take the queens banner s1 from @Kyleromero94

and leave vvVV Chemwalker F2 FEM Autos VVvv

NB : Chemwalker = Mephisto (CDLC x Skywalker).


I’ll take the Chemwalker F2 FEM Autos and leave

Vvvv reg auto - 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV


Damn I missed out. Hahaha

@pharmerfil Thanks bro,

Arrived safely today!!



Make sure to leave whats up for trade folks
Still up from @RainToday
Vvvv reg auto - 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV


I’ll take those lol

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@rain today and leave vvvv 15 killer glue X peanut butter breath X zamadelica regs vvv

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I just got back from town where I mailed off beans to @blowdout2269 and had a nice surprise from @RainToday waiting for me. Thank you so much for the XL batch of Zamaldelica reg auto seeds you shared with me, they are much appreciated.

Next up from @Billybob

VVVV 15 killer glue x peanut butter breath x zamaldelica regs VVVV


I’ll take from @Billybob
15 killer glue x peanut butter breath x zamaldelica regs

(I’m getting organized to head down to Humboldt soon with my mom and visit some old family friends & neighbors where we lived when I was a kid. They’re off grid, and most are pretty paranoid and not on the internet, so they don’t get much of the fun new stuff, and have some awesome old stuff going. Going to ask for seeds of theirs to share here, and bring them some fun seeds they might like to try in trade. They grow outdoors. So that’s where a bunch of the things I’ve been picking up are headed. :smiley: )

And leave

Vvvv reg auto - 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV


Excited to see what you might get from them :grin: @RainToday

Up next

Vvvv reg auto - 20 seeds Zamaldelica Express F5 (Night Owls F4 strain, my F5 seeds) vvvV

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