Taking notes

Fuck I love bubble gum haha these smell like a citronella candle with a little bit of funk

to original question, typically until i see no more white pistils forming or new calyxs growing and the rest starting to fade and taking on the standard brown hue that starts as they fade…

or when im just done with them.


Definitely looks to be in “that window” for sure. Everyone however is different so it’s hard to say when the PRIME TIME is , especially with autos. I have a good friend who strictly grows autos. He has it dialed for sure, yields, quality both top shelf. I know he goes for the first sign of amber throughout (not like 2/3 trichs in total) but a consistent spattering all around. His auto work has made me rethink my outlook on autoflowers that’s for sure. Your plants look well done my friend. I’m sure with a proper hang/cure you will have some real good end results there.

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Well here it is fellas …finally got some scope shots purple calyx is lower buds green is middle …lmk what you think …all of you have been a big help so far


Judging by the purple , they seem to be in the money zone tbh, green still clear though with very few amber, hmmm :thinking:???

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That’s what’s got me man under the plant a little bit like lower nug has purple calyx then middle green then top purple lol weird right


79 days since seed

Ya, it’s weird. I’ve seen it but mostly on parts that were neglected of light, Tbh, I’d probably take them now, do you do 24/48 hours of darkness before chop? If so I’d wait that out but that’s it IMO

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Yeah that’s how the lowers are of this plant gonna do a partial chop I think …Nah in my eyes that’s bro science but never done it to say shit lol if not tonight thinking tomorrow nothing against yah just looking for more opinions

Don’t do it either, never have but so many swear by it. Do you, just trying to help

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No I completely understand ! And like always I appreciate every opinion I receive man

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Whoooops my scissors slipped I swear :crazy_face:

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lower branches calyxs shrinking up and dying ?

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