Harvest help

So long story short I haven’t grown canabis in 16 years but im an avid homesteader and have about 3 years experience with canabis overall.

Just wanted to see of you guys agree if I should harvest this. Zoom in on the photo.

The bids have fattened up the hairs have mostly turned orange even though there are new white hairs also. The growth has slowed is what I’m saying.

I’m seeing more then 50 percent amber, what you guys think?

This is big bud auto in its 80th day (80-100 day suggested).

Fro…my growing experience seeing the growth pretty much stop along with everything else is saying chop now.

Sorry I didn’t get a bud shot didn’t want to ruin any of them, its just a tiny leaf cut off the bud. Also it’s from the main cola. The last pic is from 5 days ago off a tiny bottom flower.

.Thu Aug 12 06-07-01

Sun Aug 08 16-09-51


It’s best to look at the trichomes on the calyx’s, not the leaves. The last pic looks close but I would give it another week personally. Maybe 2…


Yeah, it’s a personal thing from here on. You could take it now, especially if you see 50% amber on the buds. Probably fine. I don’t grow autos so just going with general rules.


If the bottom pic is a closeup of a bud I would say you still have a week or two to go, don’t go by the leaves they’ll show amber way early, but that bottom pic still shows much that is clear

Look closely at the buds themselves and decide from there


If she is still pushing white pistols she’s probably still flowering. You’ve taken all this time to grow her may as well enjoy letting her develop


Thanks guys I think the takeaway here is to get a shot of the actual bud. I didn’t know that about the leaves not showing the true timeline of ripeness.

Yeah im in no rush to cut her down although I did chop the one tiny bottom bud off and smoke it like a crackhead lol.


Typically waiting till pistols receded and calyx swell and engorge the pistols and trichromes rthen checked and to your satisfaction then you sir are ready to chop !I’ve recently learned when In doubt wait another two weeks then if In doubt again another week


I’d say you’re borderline right now and if they were mine I’d wait a bit longer.

All the best.


Its all been said but you could sample a bud in a week and see what you think


I’ve always been outdoors and never really had a choice when to harvest as winter sneaks up super quick and forces the deed. Autos are whole new ball game now and will surely test my patience!!!


Yeah I’ll get a few more pics and observe. I think everyone’s right maybe another week but it’s close.


Quality Control


Haha, yeah thats definitely what it was :+1:


I would leave it longer personally, can you provide a whole plant pic please?


Here’s another close up bud shot. I’ll get a whole plant pic later.


the breeder says it can be ready in 80 days, but i would wait maybe another 10 or as long as you can for a higher thc.
you want the tris to turn cloudy and you want to see some amber. it goes like this with tris
when they are clear its more of an up head type high,
'cloudy you will have some body, when they are amber you should have the full effect of the thc and maybe get couch loch as well.
really nice job, i am sure you will be happy when you do the chop.
it is ready anytime you are


I was surprised to not see as much amber. So they suggest 80-100 days. I think this one might be closer to 100. She is at 81 days. Here is a better shot of the plant.


All leaves still green, that’s another month for me. :upside_down_face:

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Yeah I didn’t anticipate harvest coming so fast so I just started flushing a few days ago and there is still nutrients coming out. Something tells me I’ll be chopping it before they turn yellow. Which is fine there is no science on flushing anyway.


yeah read on high times they said it doesn’t matter if you flush or not, ive trie booth but i flush just cause thats how i learned, a good 2 week flush though that plant will be nice, good cloudy tris