Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds

That is so cool :ok_hand: …do you think I could try the same thing with green moong beans?

I think it could be done with almost any seed or dried bean that is fresh and healthy.The old seeds are missing that enzyme,New ones disperse it into water dunk old beans in enzyme activates Germ.The real Million dollor question is what bean or seed would have the highest enzyme concentration?I also imagine if you had a bunch of freshly made beans and have plenty to piss away you could do the same thing im thinking just dont leave any floaters when you strain so you dont have an oh shit moment when your seed count in the morning is off by one or two lol every one likes a suprise i guess lol


That is very interesting and quite brilliant. I keep all my seeds in the freezer. After harvest I dry them for at least 1 month at 68-70 degrees F. Then they go in the freezer. I have some seeds that are 40 years old and still germinate easily. :grin:


Im going to go with @Foreigner on this one and say Proper storage is the first most important step to seed Germinating hell even pollen storage @PhilCuisine had pollen that was 15 years old that still was viable!!Dude uses tupperware ziplock baggies and tinfoil thats it he didnt even freeze it it was in homies fridge let that sink in When you pop beans 40 years old and they pop or Pollen of all things thats supposed to keep for like what ?2 maybe 3 years? still knocks up pistils says you did something right thats for damn sure.Kudos too you Homie - :billed_cap: -

6 Likes,respectively%20after%2060%20minutes%20soaking.

Something to look into trying, the Study is on Radish Seeds, but MOST seeds pretty much need the same things for germination.

The highest concentration of auxins are present in green peas.


Looks like its time for an experiment,i have some cali fire mystery seeds from 1995 to 98.Going to need to get some supplies


going to be poppen some seeds made in 2003 this spring… Just reading along for the ride and show for now…

2 Likes,respectively%20after%2060%20minutes%20soaking.

0.25% Humic Acid Solution 99.75% distilled water, Soak overnight, then paper towel. I have done this on 20+ year old Tomato seeds and hit a 90% Germination rate. Plus, its not just bro science, there is actually a research study on radish seeds to back it up.


@sTicKy_212 Heres is good place to start with your 70s seeds. I hope you get many to sprout! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I give that another go but I have tried both humic acid and gibberellic acid… gonna try again soon.

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1% peroxide


Yes did include that also. Did take a break from trying but will give the thread a look at and see if I can start again sooner than later.

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Post #97 is the method that gave the OP a 98% germination rate on 50 plus year old seeds, after many other methods did nothing for them.


How do I find post 97 with out reading and counting as I go on a PC?

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Click on the green box with the numbers and then move the slide that appears.


Sorry FireFox does not show any green box with numbers, guess I’ll have to break out the Android at some point, but I mostly use a Win11 PC old school style 99.9% of the time…

Edit - stupid old me figured it out - here’s the link for any others in my situation…


I think this was the post being refered to.

So I was having the same issue as you with some beans from the 70s.
I tried everything I could, but nothing worked.

BUT I finally mixed a few methods together, and took some advice from a member here, and got about a 98+% success rate.

First I soaked the beans with a diluted solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and some Poland spring water.
I did a 6-12 hour soak that was 2 Tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 2 cups of spring water.
I shook them in the container every so often.
And if any sunk I took them out !
You don’t need to leave em there for 12 hours. Probably better if it’s less time, but I know I left some in for 12 hours and they still worked. I even left some for around 24 and they worked. But I think around 6 - 12 hours is safest.

Then I took them all out and washed em off with spring water only.
(As my friend @buckaroobonsai just spoke to me about, it is a very important step to rinse the h202 off, so don’t forget.)

Next I took a small plastic Rubbermaid container, like the cheap small square ones from the dollar store, and I filled it halfway with Organic worm castings. I sprayed the worm castings down with a mister just enough to know the the top layer was wet. Like 10-12 sprays. Don’t let big pools of water sit on top, but it should be wet.

Then I placed the seed gently on top, not buried. Just resting on the top of the WC. I give it one more most, seal it up, and place the container in a warm dark place.

I had beans from the 70s pop in less then 24 hours this way when EVERYTHING else I tried failed.

I didn’t see how many beans you had left, but I would try at least one or two this way. It has worked for me.

I tried 15 beans using all types of other methods, and nothing popped. But as soon as I tried this way I popped 6 out of 7 with what I had left of those old beans, and 100% for every newer bean from other strains I’ve tried since.

If you try it let me know, but I’m sure it will work for you.


I’ve had some success with a molasses and kelp 24hr soak


I’m going to be trying these, have some 90’s Jamaican seeds- straight off the boat.

Grew them then, lost them moving, stumbled on them. I had hallucinations 2x with this weed, and I grew it, so no adulterant. Saw trails. Can’t wait to try them again. Here’s hoping! And thanks for sharing the knowledge