Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds

Build-a-Soil – has that product “coconut water powder”
Also have heard good things about using"Re-Charge" ( Genetics) they spray it on the paper towel when you sprout seeds

sure sounds like it will work - never thought about sprouting them in worm castings instead of paper towels . the only thing is that sometimes the casting have bugs/insects/mites in them - guess need to to buy quality casting

@MoBilly maybe give this a try when those beans get to you.


Thanks. I’ll try it. :slight_smile:


I can honestly say this method worked for me. I was only popping 10+ year old seeds

Rinse the hydrogen peroxide off game changer. I used growdan cubes not worm casting. I see why the worm casting would work better but I worked with what I had. I Ireland we have a what called a hot press it’s where the hot water tank lives and dry folded sheets and towels average temp around 22c nearly constantly. I used that area. I can’t thank this tread enough for the advice. Cheers everyone


I’m glad you highlighted this, I have been running tons of tests on old seed and have observed h202 damaging the cell structure, in extreme cases it actually oxegenates to the point of destruction. I haven’t seen many mention washing it off. Good man


This year I have tested over 100 seeds, each more than a decade old (stored at room temps in ultra dry state)

Sharing the findings here as a member requested it in another thread. Hope that is okay.

Seed Germination Tests - Even.pdf (1.8 MB)


@Even thanks for sharing :pray:


I just popped in 2 days some 12 year old seeds. I followed @shag and ace’s method other than before into the worm casting media I stuck the seeds into a slit in a leaf of aloe vera for about 4 hours. Aloe vera is said to have gibberellic acid in the mush in the leaf.

The media I used was a mixture of store bought worm castings with some real worm casting (my own) mixed in. Further, from reading his method I also took a plastic bag you get at the grocery store for veggies. I put that over the plastic bowl with wc and put it on my modem with some paper insulation so they don’t cook.

Definitely works!