Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds

Hope they pop I think there’s an old thread on here about popping old seeds

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If you want you can send me few of those 70’s seeds and I’ll do my best to sprout them…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


I do too. I want to spread these around the community when my project is complete :crossed_fingers:

I’ll take another look in the search. I found a bunch of older posts on it, so I’ve written down almost everything I could find so far and combined a few together.
The molasses soulution is supposed to add enzymes back to the seed so it has the energy to grow. And the HP was to obviously clean them, soften them up, and add some oxygen. So I’m hoping with a little heat and some love they will open up for me.


I might take you up on that offer haha
You seem to have magic water :joy:


I add a pinch of coconut sugar to a shot glass of water when I soak my seeds. I’ve read that old seeds may be lacking the sugars needed to properly sprout and grow so I figured the sugar from a giant seed is likely to be a good source for some of those degraded sugars.


Popped these Mexican Cartel brick weed from the 90s beans with one part H202 4 parts bottled water .One is growing like an indica the other is more thin leaf drug variety slightly crumpled hope it grows out of it and isn’t a mutie.


Yes I read this too.
How long do you soak for ?

I’m trying a molasses soak. The molasses is supposed to replenish the enzymes needed for the seed to start up and grow roots. It’s supposed to have a lot of other great nutrients that help the seedling out as well.
I know using molasses during flower has also given me better results. At least I believe it has.

But the solution I used was 1cc of non sulfur black strap molasses added to 8 FL oz of tap or spring water.


Oh nice !
How long did you soak for ?

I’ve probably smoked that during the 90s haha
I used to have 100s of seeds from the brick weed I used to get. Sadly a flood a few years back destroyed all my saved seeds thou :cry:

I’m sure that crazy looking seedling will grow out of it. I’ve had many look like that and have grown out of it by the 2 or 3 set of leaves. The rest of the plant grew completely normal after that.

Can you keep me updated on these please ? I would really like to see what you get.
Sending good vibes.

:v::seedling::herb:🪴 :evergreen_tree::green_heart:


For very old seeds:

Clean the seeds in 3 - 5% H2O2 solution first for half an hour

Then soak in

250 - 350 PPM GA3 (can be mixed with Humic Acid solution)


I should definitely get some GA3.

A couple of things I could use that for. I don’t know why I havnt bought any yet honestly.

24 hour soak 2 days in a paper towel.Those we’re the only ones that lived out of 8 beans the others didn’t even split.Don’t know the exact conditions they were kept in so it’s a crapshoot as to how they will perform so well see


Nice :+1: thank you. I’ll try that with the next few if necessary. I’m hoping I won’t need to try again thou.

I did a 12 hour soak that was 2 Tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 2 cups of spring water.

Then I rinsed and did the molasses soak for 12+ hours.

I think I should of maybe made the Hydrogen P solution a little stronger, and soaked a little longer.

I think a 24 hour soak would of been a good idea, but I knew I needed another 12 hour soak with the molasses, and I was worried I would drown them.

The Hydrogen Peroxide is supposed to supply oxygen to the seed thou anyway, correct ?

H2o2 is more to clean the seeds from contamination + soften the shell.
A sugar extract can be added optional.

GA3, 250 - 350 ppm depending the age (+ ONLY for old seeds), i always do 12h max.
A tetracyclic diterpenoid compound triggers the meristem transition to germinate

Other tricks that can help is to:
Rub the seeds very carefully on some fine grade sandpaper first
With a scalpel you can very carefully cut in the shell. Tiny bit!

For seeds that are only few years old i often use Plagron Seedbooster in a 16h soak.
Some weeks ago i was gifted a bottle of BAC Xseed to try in germination. No experience yet.

16H soaking is my personal maximum. In the two+ decades i been germinating seeds it seems to be the magic number.

Dump the GA3 solution after use.
Put the soaking cups in a heated propagator with a decent thermostat controller.
24C - 75F
Up to 27C - 80F


I think it acts more as a means to get that water into that bean and disinfect I know that Yucca Extract is one of the best wetting agents there is and can do even better if a job I just don’t have any.@Astrodude is the brochacho to ask on that one he turned me on to it.


I have a study (somewhere in my bad filing system) that showed 1% H2O2 to be the most effective.



OK, I’m gonna try this. I found this old unopened pack in my basement from say 2000s, along with many other packs from that time, and I tried to sprout two seeds, but they never showed a tail for 3 weeks. I scuffed them, soaked overnight in H2O2 + water, and then they went into a papertowel/baggie. The baggie was placed on a PID-controlled heat mat set to 78F (25C). Also this was on a full moon, and there were incantations. No joy. 8 seeds left.

I have some GA3 from ebay, and will try another 2 seeds my next opportunity. I also have several packs of rez’ gear, including SD IBL and SSSDH, and plenty of others.


Fantastic strain! I saw it win allot of prizes, i know it since before 2000. It can still compete todays strains.
My personal favorite Paradise from that time is Sheherazade.
Still have some of the old packs in the vault here to.

Good luck with the GA3. Its not magic but its the best chance to pop those seeds.


When I see you guys mention popping beans of over 10 years old, have those always been stored cold or just plain room temp?

Cause I’m really wondering how much that really matters.


I bought a fridge specific for seeds.
Its very important that you not use the house fridge. It gets open to much and the humidity levels are of the chart. After some times, humidity penetrates everything.
I prefer to pack them double in plastic zip lock bags (high micron version ones, not the cheap thin) and i put those in metal boxes. Metal guides the cold, plastic does not.
I also buy a box of silica bags from time to time and swap them in the metal boxes.
10 years old? i have some from 90s in my fridge.

Seeds are like candles that burn up. When you preserve seeds in cold and dry conditions they can be preserved long.

Oil based seeds have an advantage.
Letuce, max two years.
Tomatoes … i germinated some of 1998 last year …


I like to leave them in the basement that is always cool. In a mason jar.

20 years old no problem.