Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds

This is a mutant strain of Sensi Star…Ogre is a clone only strain…


Nice advice Esko ! Almost identical to the advice my mentor gave me, except we use the scalpel on the keel edge VERY VERY CAREFULLY! If you peel it off just right and with the proper products I believe there’s very little that won’t pop. I will say when pushing 17-20 years I’ve seen some tough seeds, but usually anything under 10 years for sure (if properly stored) will pop and pop easily, I’ve seen 20-25 year old brand popped dozens of times and one small handful from the 80’s that actually had about a 60% germ rate!


Mmmmm sensi star! Such a great powerhouse of a strain!


Holy! Gems I tell ya, helluva score there , the Rez dogs too. Definitely keeping my eye out for when/if those pop my friend


Long story, but I had young kids, etc., big job, and the wife flipped out on the odor of my first grow, which at the time I did not set up properly, and was in a felony state. She had a point, LOL. I had heat (HID) issues and poor exhaust, and things got out of hand with some Grandaddy Purp, so I abandoned the (indoor) growing, and the seeds were neglected in the basement in a plastic bag, inside an old playmate cooler, ever since then (est 12+ years. Dang).
Last summer I dug them out, and moved them to a canning jar in the fridge, but so far have been unable to get ANY of the seeds to sprout. They may be too far gone - we’ll see. Fingers crossed my man EsKobar’s method comes thru.
PS I grew a pretty good crop right under her nose last year, and she never got a whiff. Muahahahaha!

Yeah, I fucked up a couple grand in fine old seeds. Live and learn. Die and forget.


I’m thinking of throwing them in the freezer once I’m absolutely sure they are bone dry. I’ve got a special canister for pollen in the freezer, fill it up with eppendorf tubes with rice grains n pollen mixed with corn starch, might as well throw some eppendorfs in there with some seeds and a few rice grains. Just looked it up and it’s mentioned on a few sites a freezer will do fine as long as you vacuum seal them, I figure an eppendorf is going to be at least as good.

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So update:
The beans from 2010 are showing tap roots.
The beans from 1970 have opened or split, but no tap root yet.
And for all the other variously aged beans, at least 1 from each strain is showing a taproot :relaxed:

Tonight is a full moon, which I knew aids in germination, so I’m glad I started my soaks 2 days ago. The timing is perfect. I have a great feeling these 70s beans will sprout within a day or so :crossed_fingers:

I let them dry out from the soak because it was a 24 hour one and I didn’t want them to drown or get to soft. So they were centered on a unbleached coffee filter, and placed in a small sterile ziplock. I let them sit there dry for a few hours before I came back and sprayed some warm water inside. Then I sealed it back up and placed it over my PS4 to keep them warm.

Im going to try and find some GA3 online for any future experiments, but so far my method seems to have been a success !


If you dont need to use the GA3, the better. Its the final help desk on the list.
Now you have a good excuse to keep that PS4 warm = game game game :slight_smile:


Have heard good feedback from:

  • Tupperware
  • kitchen paper
  • tap water and rooting gel very diluted
  • WiFi router

Place inside the Tupperware box, paper, seeds, paper ,wet with the diluted rooting agent. Cover.

Place on top of WiFi router and should have some results.



These look crazy :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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can go to “” a check out the “seed cracker” thry have a strain magazine that tells how to germinated seeds. can go to their site (GLG) and for $10.00 you get their strain cataloug and 2 free seeds either 2 fem (G-Force) or 2 autos (Hot Fuz) this is a very good deal , the strain caraloug go’s for $6.95 on Lookwed up there give-a-way seeds and they are a few of their flagship strains !!! It worth the money

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Thats not bro science, it’s science bro!


I got some Black Mamba seeds way back before the original got shut down, and crossed them with some Bogglegum from BOG. I then kept breeding the best subsequent male offspring back to the best mother.

They were pretty big ladies, with enormous 13” fan leaves that turned gold, maroon and black in cool temperatures. The smell was like blueberries soaked in jet fuel, but they smoked smooth.

I had to quit growing after OG got taken down, but I have held onto these seeds for all these years in hopes that I might grow them someday. Unfortunately, I am not having any luck with getting any to sprout.

These have NO ruderalis genetics and might be valuable to someone else just for that. I’m frankly not impressed with most of the junk at dispensaries, and those trendy, popular ruderalis bastard hybrids with made-up goofy names (sorry, I don’t like them much) are just lacking.

I would love to keep this strain alive, and honestly consider perfecting it my life’s work.

I don’t have many left, but I would be happy to send them to someone experienced who might be able to help.

I know way back in the day I sent a lot of seeds to other folks for fun, and I would love to be able to do that again. It’s been a long time, and I’m ready to get back to work.

Btw I also was playing with a trifoliate version. I thought it was interesting and had potential. Instead of 2 branches per internode, it had 3. I think I have some seeds left for it, too- which I would be happy share so they don’t go completely to waste.


Depending on how the seeds were stored, the germination rate will be very low!!!
15 years is a long time…
Perhaps trying Gibberellic Acid will help to have some success.


Give @johnnypotseed worm casting tek a try…


Try bac x-seed. i used this with old seeds and they came out 8/10. when I don’t use this its only 3/10 seeds. best wishes and happy growing


What I do with my 15+y/o seeds & pollen…


How they were stored will have a big effect on the germination rate. Leaving seeds in plastic baggies or certain unsealed containers will greatly reduce their usefulness over time. Keeping seeds in glass jars vials is better over time.

Imo you can’t really enhance the germination rate of old seeds. That’s like asking how do I make an old man run faster. Sure creatine might work but probably not :yum:

That said my snake oil germ enhancer would be to apply rooting gel around the seed as there are academic studies to support this actually makes a difference. Best of luck


Fulvic Acid is another option I’ve heard to get these things to pop :+1:


Ooops wrong thread……