Temperature control with mini ac?

I’m growing in a small closet with 4 autos. I have a Kingbrite 250w QB, its only turned up to about 25% and it goes in between 77 to 81 F. If I get a small car ac mini AC unit will that help when I turn it up as they get older?


Do you have air income and extraction in that closet? :sunglasses:

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I have extraction not intake.

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I think you will need fresh air coming through an intake fan to control temperature, I am not sure but AC’s after cooling the air they exhaust also hot air, how’s that car AC? You will almost sure have humidity problems when plants will grow on, need some air flow … :sunglasses:


an extraction fan is all you will need, mind you needs to be setup properly with adequate intake.

a good base metric to go by is you would have at least double the area intake wise as what your exhaust is. Also exhausting out the top where heat will accumulate is ideal.