Temperature control

So in grow tents sometimes temperature can be an issue. I was wo daring if anyone growing in a tent has used the smaller portable type ac units to help with climate control


It’s much, much more effective to maintain the environment in the room that the tent is in than it is maintaining the tent itself.

If the encompassing room is controlled well (ie. heating/cooling/humidity), only small adjustments need to be made inside of the tent.

This approach also makes integrating new tents into the room easy.


Yeah I’ve definitely heard that from someone else before about controlling the room over the tent. Figured I’d ask on here for clarification basically. Thanks for chiming in


I’ve used tents before, and like the others have said it keeps it a whole lot less of a headache if the room is maintained, and then minimal adjustments for the tent.


Yeah that tends to be the consensus around the campfire. Appreciate it

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When you have one in a tent they take up a lot of room, they may also have internal lighting, which will screw up your flowering cycle with light pollution.

You have to exhaust the heat the unit takes out of the air, and that means running some duct from the unit through the tent to a window. If you don’t get the hot air outside the room, it will get extremely hot and make the air-conditioning unit work harder, because it will heat the tent more, and defeats its purpose :wink:


Yeah that makes sense. I had that issue with my dehumidifier and what not. Didnt realize it was glowing until like two weeks into the switch lol got that taken care of tho